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New page! NSFW! Click Track 11 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

Man, the last page I posted got so many positive notes from both you guys and people on Slipshine who use the same birth control as Suria. I fought so long against answering that question because I personally didn't think it mattered, but I'm a fucking dude, of course I wouldn't think it mattered. But it did matter to some of you, and now I'm just kicking myself for being so stubborn about it. I'm really glad some of you were able to relate to Suria in this sort of way. You're fucking awesome, thank you so much for reading!

In other news, prepare to get a preview of a Clover/Coral character ribbon for the cast page! We've got it penciled and inked, it just needs some colors. Should be finished in the next couple of days! See you then!




I love the last panel. Steg looks like a metal gear boss with his panty mask.