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Here it is! It's this month's Singles comics (plus all the other ones)! Click here to check them out! 

Leslie really liked this one! If anybody's familiar with our old comic Blaster Nation, you've probably realized I like giving characters cool parents to interact with. I think it helps flesh those characters out more! Coincidentally, I always felt like Elizabeth is the most "Blaster Nation" of the Rock Cocks cast. Well, her and Dakota. Fuckin' nerds. Also, the Spanish translation was done by our good friend FreeGlass! Go check him out, he's a great artist! Triple coincidence, he also helped us ink Blaster Nation for a time!

$10 Patrons, expect another post soon with your pin ups! If you aren't in the $10 tier and want to see the our take on fantasy erotica with Barbarian Steg and Bard Suria (or any of the other 100+ pin ups we've done) then you can up your pledge any time this month to get instant access to them! The offer is always available, so don't worry about missing it!

Thanks again for your amazing support! See you real soon with a brand new Rock Cocks page! 



