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New page! Click track 10 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

Not much to say tonight! Got a lot of work to do between watching the most wholesome Super Mario 3 race on SGDQ in-between writing and helping Leslie with the pin up. So I'll just let you guys react to this page. Hope you like it!

See you on Monday!




Like Mordecai and Rigby would say: "OOOOOOOOOH!"


One of us! One of us!


Wonder what Seth is gonna think with all these people the group's taking in. Least he's in the room this time, so we'll probably know immediately.


This is kinda like one piece, gathering the crew they need. They need someone website savy to advertise, and having a cook will only improve crew morale. Besides, the nude life totally goes with their image


Im so happy these two get a happy ending after all that.


Looks like they got their invitation to smash.


These past few pages have made me really kind of hate Melody. The fact she is so aloof is so infuriating.


Yo they’d be perfect for the team. Clover could be their social media person and then they’d also have a cook for the tour!

Earnest Adams III

I was actually in my feels because of what transpired until Suria became the shining light for this page.