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So, I'm sure I've talked about it before, but Leslie absolutely HATES drawing vehicles. All the weird curves and shit make them super annoying. That said, she was super proud of the truck on this page. Also, you may have spotted this character in previous pages! Go back and see if you can find her!

That's all for now! See you on Monday! Enjoy Mario Tennis!




Ah shit!!! I hope this what sparks her passion.


Man, I hope Coral and Clover are going to be okay.


That truck looks great


Chp 9, p. 385. Less because I remembered her face and more because I remembered that picture was the last time we have seen any other people other than our usual crew in this isolated desert.

Justin Wood

So is Melody out of the scene in the last two panels or is this about to get real ugly. Seriously, Suria is echoing my feelings on the matter rather concisely, Melody is having little to no repercussions for her actions (or lack thereof) while Coral and Clover are now out of a job and a home. It's unclear how much money those two even have, but I get the feeling Melody hasn't been really paying them either. Letting her go like this is a seriously bad idea, and in fact I get the feeling if we go back to each of those quick shots of Melody talking about how she has found her "calling" in one place or another, those businesses probably aren't open anymore.


We have the Rock Cocks with a new video, about to start some touring/traveling most likely, Im sure Clover and Coral are just going to become part of the game like Dakota. Now they have a chef and someone who is competent with electronics. And if this is how things go, Im sure they will be much more better off under Sterling's employ than they ever were with Melody. This was a "And thats how they became part of the team" sort of chapter