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Today, Brad Brown, a 30 year old porn writer, wept tears of joy after seeing all the new Smash Bros. news at today's Nintendo E3 Direct. It's all so beautiful. Snake is back, Ridley is in, all the changes look amazing, every character is there, the Squid Kids look great, the new stages are cool, so many of the old stages are in, they added Kumatora and Boney to Lucas's Final Smash, they added Protoman and Bass to Megaman's Final Smash, just...everything is perfect. I'm so fucking happy. I love Smash Bros. so much. When it comes out, please send me your friend codes so we can play together!

See you on Friday!



Justin Wood

Ah, what the hell, man... What reason could they even give to seize the place?


It’s abandoned in the eyes of the state. The manager’s rival must’ve seen it, made some calls, and now the state comes to seize it.


It probably was the "blonde bitch"


That’s not good.


They'd mentioned tax issues earlier. They were expecting something to happen before The Rock Cocks showed up. I believe that's the source of Coral's stress earlier, too, as the video shoot could only improve their situation.