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New page! Slightly NSFW! Click track 10 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

Hell month begins! Within the next few weeks, my brother is getting married, Leslie's family wants to go the zoo, her dad is having a birthday, mother's day happens, we're doing a panel at an anime convention (just one day, local con) AND her nephew has a birthday. We've got so much shit to account for in the middle of getting all our comic pages done throughout the week (plus more Slipshine work on my end). But we can do it! I know we can! It's just gonna be fuckin' EXHAUSTING. And fun, too, I'm sure!

See you on Monday!




Love Suria's expression in this one. Hang in there!


Right? Idk why but I really love the way Suria's drawn in this one. The lighthearted cartoony style she's in is so damn charming.


-Learning that Clover has vape pen....