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New page! Still SFW?! Click track 10 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

Not much really going on with us this week! Just trying to catch up on work and such. I finished writing a really great Rock Cocks scene that I think you guys are really gonna enjoy. Pretty soon I'll be done writing this chapter. It's been kind of a long one, hasn't it? Don't worry, it'll end up being less than a hundred pages. Remember when these chapters were only thirty-something pages? Memories~

See you on Monday!



Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-25 12:47:58 I’m gonna be uncomfortable if the very next thing we see is melody wearing clothes
2018-04-20 03:17:54


Melody has a visual aura even when out of shot, Super Saiyan confirmed