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New page! NSFW! Click track 10 to check it out, or click the other tracks to catch up! 

Ahhh, so good to have a working spine again. I've cleaned the bath tub, I've reorganized the book/toy shelves, I've assembled some new furniture...now I just need to write some Rock Cocks pages! Speaking of which...

See you on Monday!




Do characters with light color hair like Coral and Dakota have black in their hair too, or is that just the shading? I thought it was just the shading but I saw fanart that gave Dakota red hair with black underneath and I've been wondering ever since.


It's just shading! Leslie was afraid that might be confusing. We'll make it a bit more clear next time.


I am flabbergasted at the emotion you manage to put in these characters, both in the art and the writing. I read the latest page and instantly felt my eyes tearing 😢


Take care of that back. I had back problems when I was young and fit and I have them now that I’m old and fat. A little bit of exercise every day (and I don’t mean calisthenics, just a short walk) can do wonders.


Thank you so much! I'm glad people get as attached to all these characters as we do.


Haha, yeah. I actually threw out my back doing a particular weight lift wrong. Starting next week, I'm gonna get back on my exercise routine...just maybe without that one particular lift.


Please still be careful! Both my dad and my boyfriend have suffered particularly bad back injuries. Even though my dad's was over 6 years ago, on his bad days he can barely hold his granddaughter for 15 minutes. So please take care of yourself, even if your injury wasn't that bad.


just tried to view it but it said the folder was in the trash?


Try the most recent link in this post: <a href="https://www.patreon.com/posts/page-463-18652115">https://www.patreon.com/posts/page-463-18652115</a>