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Here we go! It's this month's pin ups! Click here to check them out! This month, Dakota and Elizabeth can't help but think up steamy scenarios involving the other. Could something brew between these two? I hope so, because they're really goddamn cute together.

We're finally over 100 pin ups! Here's to 900 more! I can't wait until we get even more characters into the comic, then shit's really going to get crazy in these pin ups! Until then, see you soon with another update!

Edit: Whoops! Wrong link! Should be fixed now.




The link is to the single comics.


Whoops, wrong link


*drooling* is it weird if i say dakota looks more masc with his hair down? Either way, SAME Elizabeth, same.


I'm a 10$ patron and none of the pin-ups will open in Google drive. They try to open but fail to load. They worked before and everything else is working just fine.


Just tried downloading and that doesn't work either.


Weird. Unfortunately, everything seems to be working on our end. Are you using a tablet or phone? I know those tends to have wonky results.


damn that was quick and yes I'm on my phone. I'll just try when I can get to my computer this Friday.


when will you add some Elizabethinto the comics, i'd love to see some of her.


Also is there a chance you could put like a fan into the comics