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Shit, I guess February's over already, huh? Well, that just means you get new Patreon rewards even faster! Welcome to March, groupies, roadies, and VIPs! We've got some wonderful shit for you this month!

The theme for this month's pin ups? Fondling! We've got our two squishiest characters, Steg and Coral, enjoying some gentle groping from their respective girlfriends. The colors are amazing on these pin ups, and Steg and Coral just look so delighted their balls/titties fondled. I love them! As for Singles comics, we're delving deeper into the mysteries behind Seth Sterling! Mostly it's just Elizabeth gossiping about him. Learn some new things about everyone's favorite CEO! Not only that, but as always, expect more early Rock Cocks comics!

$5 gets you the 26 Singles comics and early Rock Cocks pages, while $10 gets you 99 pin ups, 26 Singles comics AND early comics. They'll be posted mid-day on March 1st! If you're not in either of those tiers yet and want those rewards, then pledge or up your pledge any time in March to get immediate access to them!

This month, thanks to all your amazing support, we'll be upgrading Leslie's drawing equipment! We'll be getting a 22 inch Wacom Cintiq ! I honestly can't believe we're at a point where we can get one of those! It's kind of been a dream of ours, something we've joked about doing but figured we'd never be successful enough to get. They're top-of-the-line drawing tablets that professionals use, and the price tag definitely reflects it. But thanks to all of you amazing, beautiful people, we're finally going to do it! Thank you all so much! Now we don't have to worry about Leslie's current Yiynova tablet getting completely ruined by a rogue Windows update! And you can bet your ass we're going to be drawing some amazing comics with them. Expect to see some lewd-ass shit in March, alongside a bittersweet heart-to-heart between two former colleagues.

Thanks again! Rewards will be posted mid-day March 1st! See you then!



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