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So, every so often I'll talk to you guys about how we're trying to move. We've been incredibly indecisive on where exactly we want to relocate. At first it was California, then it was Chicago...at one point it was Las Vegas. But after a lot of drama with things going on here in Kentucky and our roommates, we finally decided that we just want to go home.

We originally left Louisiana because we were poor as hell and needed to get the fuck out of the drunken fratboy warzone that was Tigerland. Seriously, there were fights and shootings every other day, it was terrifying living there. We left our families behind and bailed on Louisiana for a while as we sought shelter in Kentucky with some friends we made at a convention. Then our Blaster Nation kickstarter took off, Rock Cocks was relaunched, and well, you guys popped into our lives to make everything better. Three years later, our roommates have broken up and went off to do their own things, and Leslie's been homesick this entire time. She loves her family and hates being so far away. With no roommates and your incredible support, I think it's time we went back home.

Obviously, we can't move back in with her family since, well, we do porn for a living and Leslie's mom homeschools kids. We don't really want to move back into Tigerland either. But thanks to your amazing support, we don't have to! We're going to be setting a milestone for $3000 to help facilitate our new rent. It's a milestone you guys have hit before, but I just want to make sure we can stay around that range. Since we won't have roommates anymore, things are going to get a lot more expensive for us, especially if we want to live somewhere nice and safe. But don't worry, we're not just gonna ask for more money without providing you guys anything! We've got some incentives!

Alright, so if we can stay above this milestone, then shortly after we move into our new place, Leslie and I will take up streaming again! We used to stream back in the day, but that had to stop once we started living with roommates. Won't be a problem at our new place, though! We can guarantee a Patreon-exclusive comic-drawing stream every week for $5+ pledgers, plus bonus art and gaming streams (the latter done by me, Brad). Naturally, Rock Cocks will always be our top priority, so you can continue to expect three Rock Cocks pages a week every week. But what if we sweetened the pot by promising more bonus art from Leslie every month? Whether it's fanart, Patreon-exclusive Singles comics or just general bonus Rock Cocks art, we'll do our best to throw as much bonus art as we can at you guys! Don't worry, this won't affect your Patreon rewards, either! You'll still get some sweet-ass Leslie art on the side! If you guys can help us move and keep us afloat, then the least we could do is make more stuff for you!

We'll be moving down at the end of October, crashing temporarily at her family's house while we find a place to move. Don't worry, this won't affect the comic's update schedule. We're already working on some buffer to account for the days we'll spend apartment-hunting. We're really excited about this move! We think we're going to be able to do so much more now that we're back on our own again! Thank you all so much for your support! You guys are the greatest! See you on Monday!




Well Balls! You've been in my old KY home this whole time and I never got a chance to meet y'all. Love the comic. Rock on!

Nicholas A. Jalowick

Wishing you two all the best, and I'm hoping you find a place in a relatively highland area. I still remember all the Katrina flooding, and I worry about the same thing happening to you. Good luck!


Aww cute-ass Leslie and Steg cuddles!! And congrats on the decision, hope it works out all for the best!


I have been following the Rock Cocks for over a year now and only recently I got a new job. As soon as I did I wanted to support you guys. I only do $10/month but I know every little bit counts. I will continue to support you two for as long as I can. I hope the move happens and it's as smooth as possible. We Cockers have got your back! 💙


I don't know what your needs are but may I suggest getting a plot and just build your own place. You can save a fortune by doing freight container construction or plopping down a concrete dome. Just make sure it's high up and far as possible from a river.


Or a micro house and just put the extra stuff in storage.


<a href="https://www.google.com/amp/newatlas.com/pemberley-rocky-mountain-tiny-houses/51182/%3famp=true" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.google.com/amp/newatlas.com/pemberley-rocky-mountain-tiny-houses/51182/%3famp=true</a>