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So, I've been probably been really annoying in my blog posts constantly teasing that we were working towards *something*. Sorry about that! No more teases this time, we're getting right down to it! It's time for a PATREON REWARDS REVAMP!

Early Access

Alright, so specifically, we're changing the $5 rewards. Starting October 1st, all Patrons in the $5+ tier will be able to view an entire month of Rock Cocks pages early. What exactly does that mean? Well, we'll be posting full Rock Cocks pages on Patreon now, same schedule (Monday, Wednesday, Friday), starting October 1st. However, the Patreon will be a full twelve pages ahead of the comic's schedule. So, for example, if the Rock Cocks site is only at page 600, the Patreon will be all the way up to page 612. You'll be able to view a full month of Rock Cocks pages before anyone else! Not only that, but October 1st will also be the kick-off to Track 9, so you guys will be able to read 12 pages of Track 9 right from the start, with more to come every Monday/Wednesday/Friday!

This early access reward WILL be replacing the black-and-white Singles comics as the $5+ Patreon reward, though we're not outright ending the Singles comics themselves. We were just kind of struggling to come up with good, funny, plot-relevant Singles comics each month. With these early access comics being the main $5 reward, we can take it a bit easier and just throw in a bonus comic throughout the month whenever we come up with a really good one. You guys will still be getting Singles comics, just whenever we think we've got an idea for a good one. The other reward tiers remain the same. $1 still gets you access to the Vintage Collection, and $10 gets you pin ups, but with the addition of the month-long early access comic view.

Upfront Charge

Starting next month, we'll also be allowing new Patrons to be charged upfront, granting them immediate access to rewards. This WILL NOT affect anyone currently pledged, so none of you are going to be charged twice in a month or anything! This is just so people can pledge and check out the month-long buffer of comics immediately. I'm sure having to wait an entire month to get your pledge through and get your rewards had to suck, right? Well, won't be a problem anymore! Thank you all for being so patient with that, by the way.


So, why all the changes? Because our boss wants to start posting Rock Cocks on Slipshine, including the month-long buffer of early pages. We worked our asses off to make this buffer at his request, but we told him upfront that we wouldn't do it unless we could also let our Patrons in on it as well. You guys are the only reason this comic even exists, the only thing that's kept this comic afloat for almost three years now, and I'll be damned if anyone else is gonna get a special bonus over you guys! You deserve every good thing we can possibly make for you! So both Patreon and Slipshine will get access to the buffer, but you guys get more actual Rock Cocks content from us.

I guess that's about it! Please note, the Rock Cocks main site will still update as normal, and will always remain completely free for everyone (thanks to you!). You guys (and Slipshine) will just be a month ahead of the site's schedule. And again, just to reiterate, all of this will happen on October 1st. Thanks for your understanding, your patience, and your incredibly generous support! We can't wait for you guys to see what we've got in track 9! If you have any questions, feel free to ask them below in the comments! See you on Monday with a new page!


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