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New page! NSFW! 

So, I'm keeping all our posts Patron-exclusive for a while. When we were public, a number of different porn game Patreons used our comments to advertise themselves. They just kind of post generic one-word praise like "cool" or "great work", so it doesn't SEEM like advertising at first, but all their names are like SEXFUCK 18+ CONTENT with porn avatars and they do this to other NSFW creators, too, so they're totally just trying to get their name out. It's kind of a bummer, but oh well.

Now that we're back from our vacation and not stressing out of our minds over getting a buffer done in time, we've been taking our time on these new pages and making sure they look damn good! We kind of had to rush over the last week or two to make sure we had pages to cover the time we'd be gone. That's done, though, so we're gonna make some great fucking pages for you guys! You deserve it! Thanks again for being so patient with us!

See you on Monday!




Yeah you gotta watch out for bots. There are also the bots that pledge but don't have payments go through. If you have an option to opt for a 'pay upfront' system (if you aren't already on that), it helps with that substantially.

Valley Dweller

Yay Elizabeth is back in frame!


Woot for Elizabeth, sadface for site being down D:


Happy to see Liz again :-)