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Woof. Rough fucking week, my dudes. The other day, our Nintendo Switch broke. Battery was bulging out the back of the console. Had to send it in for repairs. It was a launch Switch and survived Animal Crossing, Smash, two Splatoons and several RPGs, so that's easily tens of thousands of hours. Amazing it lasted this long. If that wasn't enough though, the next day (yesterday), our car battery also died. We live deep in the woods, miles away from even the smallest of towns, so that was a pretty terrifying experience trying to get the car to work. It lasted just long enough to get to a mechanic shop, where we trapped for the next four hours as we waited on them to order a battery and replace it. We've gone I think six years now without having to replace the battery, so I GUESS we were due for something, but goddamn, I didn't need everything to break within two days from each other. Our bathroom cabinet drawer also broke, but at least that wasn't battery powered.

Man... I'm missing Splatoon 3 right now, though.

Thank you all so much for the support! It helps so much in weathering shit like this. See you on Monday!




Yeah....I know how much time you two put into your games D: I'll hope for the best! There is NO reason Nintendo should have to mess with your data unless the battery leaked inside, so hopefully they won't.

Kam Kam

As Mel Gibson once said: “Even in the future nothing works!”