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Here we go! It's this month's pin ups! Click here to go see all the previous pics! 

These two pin ups were a team effort! Usually the most I can do with pin ups is suggest an idea to Leslie and help color them, but Clip Studio recently added a feature where we could import and pose 3D models! With this, I was able to make rough 3D versions of how Steg and Suria should be posed and framed, and Leslie drew on top of it! The results are what you see here! Not sure if we'll do this again, because it's honestly a bit more limiting than you would think, but it was still a fun experiment. Hope you enjoy!

Thank you all so much for your amazing support! If you've got more suggestions for future pin ups, throw them our way! See you soon with more Rock Cocks!




Love the VHS aesthetic.

Nellie B

The hair pulling ❤️