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I'm sorry I haven't update my patreon for a month.
I'm busy for making my work and my life stable, and I think I'm doing good on it.
I moved to other place that close to my company, it makes me have additional time to draw everyday.
And I'm drawing comic for my friend's doujinshi. Here is the character in it.
If there are more informations release, I will post here!

And I think most of people in here knows that I make new bull for LIVE A HERO, I'm glad to hear that people love him!
I'm sorry that I can't draw release art for him in the first time, I will do it after I finish the comic.

Thank you for still surpporting me! I appreciate it so much!




No way you drew that hot bull?!! 👀💦


Please take your time! You are doing great :3