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I'm a little overwhelmed right now so please forgive the un-proffessional tone but HOLY SHIT!!!! 300 of you within an hour of launch! That is insane. I am beyond taken aback and humbled and flattered to know how many of you love my work enough to support it this way. 

From the bottom of my heart thank you so much. I promise it will be worth it... you guys are gonna get songs that have been given time, space & room to grow & become their best possible forms.  

Most of you probably know this one thing already: I work best when NOT constrained. My best songs happen when I feel inspired and moved by something. It might sound arty farty & pretentious but well, it's the truth.  By far my best songs come from things I love & am passionate about. 

You guys are wonderful because YOU are now the ones creating that. Think about that for a sec - every song you enjoy by me... you have now played a part in its creation. You are forever a part of that piece of music.  I could not ask for a more supportive audience and it honestly made me tear up when I saw how many of you were pledging to this account :)

I hope I can continue to make you happy and I hope you guys understand my decision to provide every song to every fan regardless of whether they pledge or not. In my eyes every fan from richest to poorest deserves some joy & fun and art in their lives.  

In a time when the richest in our world keep on  receiving more and more and the poorest keep on losing everything,  I believe more strongly than ever in sharing beauty, joy, self expression & the simple pleasures of art with those who can't afford it in other places.  So you are not only supporting me but also supporting the massive network of MOS fans around the world, every one of which feeds back and helps this crazy, musical thing to grow & expand and get more views and attention and hopefully growth.

(P.s. yes! You will still get them bonuses! Check tiers for details)  

You guys know me well enough by  now to know that I'm not super great at expressing these ideas & thoughts but I am hopefully at a level with my music that it helps to justify my inane ramblings, haha. 

Really though. Thank you. I can't even begin to express what it means to have a passionate group of people support my songs like you guys have chosen to. You are the greatest audience  a nerdy Irish musichead could ever hope to have and I am forever grateful to you for allowing me to do my dream job as, well...a job!!!!

Big love, to all my Sound Bites




Did anyone find the television password in the game.please 🤗


I literally just became a patron and decided to comment on your 8 month old post. Now that's dedication! Love the work man, your music is fantastic!