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Hey folks, 

Unfortunately I had to make the decision to cancel the release of Mojave Song this weekend. Both I and a third party mix engineer worked really hard to get it sounding how I wanted but neither version was up to the standard I wanted. We tried our best but eventually I just had to admit to myself that the problem was at the source and you can't fix a bad vocal performance in the mix & it would need to be re-done.  

I've spent upwards of 130 hours on this song at this point, it's been the longest & hardest song project I've ever worked on so I want to make the final release worth the effort!

I'll be going back and re-recording all the vocals, hopefully better this time, then remixing it; so it will be probably be at least another week before this is out. Better to have a delayed but great sounding song forever than a bad sounding song that comes out quickly. 

On the plus side, my Outer Worlds song is almost finished and sounding great, so that one will either be coming out very shortly before or after this one :)

Big luv




No worries here. Quality is always more important than rushing. I look forward to hearing it when it's finally ready!

Nagatsu Seiken

Thank you for prioritizing quality over expediency - I look forward to hearing it when it's up to your usual standard (and I'm REALLY looking forward to your Outer Worlds song - if it's half as good as the game, we've got something really special coming).