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Hi lovelies, 

There's been a lot of talk recently about the videogame industry's bad habit of overworking developers to the point of breakdowns & damage to their mental & physical health. 

It hits home for me in an odd, kind of self-absorbed way as I used to do this to myself a lot. Before Patreon, there were often times I would suffer massive self inflicted creative & mental burnout from hyper-intense overwork. I was doing 70+ hour weeks over & over & over until there was nothing left in me to give. 

Between Youtube's weird algorithms & the transient nature of creative success, I was always terrified of taking breaks, even for a week, in case Miracle Of Sound began to decline and I could no longer afford to do it as a job. 

But since you guys have come here to support me, things have changed so much. I have been able to slow down my process a lot and take breaks when I need to. Creativity is lungs - we can't just breathe out all the time or we'll pass out & suffocate. We need to take time to breathe in, to get inspired, to give each piece of art the time it deserves to cultivate, grow & develop into the best version of itself that we can make it at that point in time - after all that's what our art AND our audiences deserve.

Because I now have the luxury of breathing in & taking that time to create, I feel the consistent quality of my work has improved. And that's hugely thanks to you guys, my Patrons. 

Recently I've been on a short burnout - no decent creative ideas. No inspiration. Nothing worthwhile coming out of me musically. Life had some stuff that got in the way & I was just a little empty after the last 3 songs. And because of you guys - that's ok!! I can afford to take a week away to breathe in without worrying if a drop in views/streams etc will threaten my future in this career. And that is wonderful. Life changing.

I guess what I'm awkwardly trying to say is just a big old 'thank you' - thank you for allowing me this freedom to not only make my best work possible for you, but to be able to take care of my mental & physical health while doing it. You guys rock so much <3 

Big luv. 




You do what you need to do Gav, we're here for you


Hallo Gav. i became a patreon for a very selfish reason. I want to enjoy your music for years to come ;-) . So if that means that i have to pay a little for that so be it. It doesn't matter how fast you make your music all your fans are happy with what ever you produce. So keep up the good work we will be patient