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Hello lovelies! 

Hope you are all well. Been hard at work on my Sekiro song which you should be hearing very soon, which has brought a topic to mind I wanted to talk about. 

As you know, I like to create multiple music styles & genres with Miracle Of Sound and I know variety is a key appeal for many people.  I am also aware that 2019 has started very inclined towards rock/metal and while most of ye are super into that style, I understand that not everyone loves it when every song has a rock basis. I totally get that! 

I generally don't plan 'genres' for songs, I tend to just go with what feels right for each one and what helps me to express or emote the way I feel fits. Recently that has happened to be rock & (light) metal. I say this because the upcoming Sekiro song, while drawing heavily on Japanese instruments & music, also has a rock foundation keeping it driving forward, which just felt like the optimal style for the sentiment in the song.  

Perhaps I'm a little too excited being in the new studio and finally being able to crank my amps up loud & yell my heart out, perhaps I'm just too darn in love with the Solar baritone guitar I got in Feb & can't keep away from it... whatever it is, I've been on a super intense rock buzz lately.

However, fear not, there will be a wider variety down the line this year :)  I never stick with one style for long because I get bored, so if you're worried that this year will be nothing but rock, don't. There'll be other stuff too :) 

I hope you all have a awesome day, watch this space for the Sekiro song demo version, exclusive to Patreons very soon!!! 

Big luv




Just make the music you feel like making.

Ian McGarr

Make whatever style you want, best thing about releasing songs one at a time is that we can choose if we want to buy it if we like it. Where as if it was a full album I probably wouldn't as half the tracks wouldn't be my taste.