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Hey folks, I'm moving my website over to Wix cos Wordpress is just too much of a pain in the arse to keep up to date. Let me know what ye think of the design, usability etc. Feedback welcome!! 

P.S. Level 9 coming VERY soon ;)



Home | Miracle Of Sound



I'd prefer not centering the text of your blog, it is a bit anoying to read in my opinion. Other than that, looking fine! :D


The site fits well on mobile but me and my brother have found the embedded media a little slow to load. My opinion is to have either audio or the YT video (my brother does not mind both) but it is your site so you can ignore me 😁. Might I suggest a link to your Patreon page? Or places where your excellent works are available, I know there's the spotify link but some people might want to buy your music. Just my long winded two pence while I eagerly await Level 9