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Interesting article about just how little streaming sites like Spotify & Youtube pay out to artists.

I earn roughly between 3900 and 3950 per song here from you guys as of March 2018 (minus Patreon fee etc)... that's more than Spotify pays me, wait for it... per MILLION streams.

Crazy, huh? So when us artists tell you that you are our lifeblood and the people keeping us in our jobs, we really mean it. Thank you. You fucking awesome rockstars <3 

<3 Gav


What Streaming Music Services Pay (Updated for 2018)

Thanks to streaming music services, record labels reported record-breaking revenue last year. In 2017, the 'big three' made an estimated $14.2 million a day from streaming services like Spotify and Apple Music. Universal Music Group alone made $4.5 million each day last year. Despite increasing revenue from plays, how much do artists actually earn?