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Here you go folks, enjoy :) Vid will be out tomorrow!


Savior’s Seed 

Can I get an amen

An amen now

Brothers and sisters

Can I get an amen

An amen now

Scatter that seed

Bad devils gonna rend your skin now

Wanna pull you down into the mire

But my river’s gonna cleanse your sin now

Safe from the righteous fire

Come brothers and sisters

We’ll give you everything you need

Come brothers and sisters

We’re scattering the savior’s seed

Free faith or by the force of my hand

You’re bringing me a soul to save

Cleanse the filthy from my great divine land

Hellfire upon their graves

Come brothers and sisters

We’ll give you everything you need

Come brothers and sisters

We’re scattering the savior’s seed

Step off the guilty path

And come into this world of mine

The Earth is collapsing down

Can I get an amen

An amen now

Brothers and sisters

Can I get an amen

An amen now

Scatter that seed

Come brothers and sisters

We’ll give you everything you need

Come brothers and sisters

We’re scattering the savior’s seed


savior's seed patreon flac.flac and 1 more file

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I enjoyed this a lot and thought you nailed the theme perfectly! That voice tho - wow. Well done =D can't wait on your next song!


I don't know why people complain, You always make song inspire by the game or Tv series . You often use the point of view of a character. This one is really god, You take the point of view of the fanatic. It's not knew. But I guess religions is a subject that's is sensible to some people ( and it really should not be but hey, humans).