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Hey guys, 

So this sucks but I realised today that I have made a bit of a boo boo. When I started my Patreon, my two tiers were (and technically still are)

$1: Get early access listens, chat, feedback etc

$2: Get all of the music downloads as well as the tier 1 stuff. 

However, due to my lack of internet savvy and general dum-dum-ness, I have been hitting 'Show to Patrons' on all download posts instead of just 'Tier 2', which gives the songs to everyone, not just the $2 tier.

I understand that some of you $2 folk may feel short changed by this and I'm wondering what you, the Patrons, feel my next step should be. Not sending $1 patrons the downloads at this point could feel exclusionary and unfair. 

I could maybe edit the two tiers a bit, and find some other way to make the $2 tier that bit more fun, like a Discord group or something? Or some instrumental or acapella versions, or more in depth analysis of the songs? Or even something like a vote for a particular song for the tier 2s every now & again? I don't usually do requests as inspiration is a finite resource, but you guys keep me in a job & so it would be a worthy exception.  

Let me know what ye think and I'm sorry for this mixup. I understand if some of ye feel put out & am happy to listen to suggestions. 

Big luv. Gav



Don't worry about it man. You were a bit of a numpty but hey everyone is sometimes :P But hey a Discord serve wouldn't go amiss dude ;)


Bit late to noticing this, but I really want Wheatley's Song a capella so I can use the " 'Ello!" at the start as a text ringtone, without the music. Even if it's just that one little blurb, it'd make me super happy ^-^ but I'm just one guy, so do whatever you think we'll all like!


In any case, I'll support you at $2 even if both tiers always get the same stuff