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Good news folks, they listened to us and the fees are not being changed :) 

We creators are well aware that not only are 1 dollar patrons the lifeblood of many artists, it's also a great way for people with not so much spare cash to be able to support the people they like & feel awesome about it. It would have been a real shame to take that away from both creators and fans. I'm glad they saw sense and cancelled the change. 

Sadly won't bring back all the patrons we already lost, but them's the breaks. 

Hope you're all enjoying the album :)

Big luv



We messed up. We're sorry, and we're not rolling out the fees change. - The Patreon Blog

Creators and Patrons, We've heard you loud and clear. We're not going to rollout the changes to our payments system that we announced last week.