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Hey guys,

I'm sure by now some of you have heard about Patreon's plans to change the fee system. If not, I recommend that you read up on it:


Needless to say I am completely against this change as it is neither good for you guys nor for me. 

I would prefer to continue paying my patron's fees, but this is Patreon's official word to creators who want to do this:

'A: We understand that some creators might wish to take the hit for their patrons. That said, the service fee will be extended to all patrons on the site and there isn’t an option to remove the service fees from your patron pledges.

The best step is to make sure your patrons are fully educated on the benefits of this change for creators and we’ve made sure to send them notification of this.'

As you can see, it basically amounts to 'Tough shit, deal with it.'  If this means some of you have to stop continuing to support me I completely understand, I am just grateful that you donated while you could. 

It's very disappointing that Patreon is doing this after already having to deal with Youtube shenanigans this year. Feels like creators keep getting a raw deal.  

The creator community is pretty unanimous in its opposition to this change. I will keep you guys posted and let you know if they announce any plans to cancel or change it.

Big love




I've been listening to your songs for years and will keep supporting however I can


Your songs are worth far more than $2, this is true, and I can proudly say that I kept all my pledges, yours included. However, it does seem patreon has listened and has reverted the change to look for a more effective method. I suspect this is because of you and many other creators who strongly opposed this change. Hopefully they will find a better method in future.