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Fun interview with Nerdist about the inspiration behind the song. If there's anything else ye'd like to know about it, ask me in the comments!! :) Gav




I really have to take the time to watch GOT. I know, I know. but over last couple of year they was so much good tv show and so little time.


Interesting to know that background. Since this is such a good example of you conveying strong passion and sense of purpose through your songs, it seems like a good occasion to mention that if possible I'd like to understand more about how that comes about. (I recognize that this is probably difficult to explain in only text, especially if it is to be done briefly) Just as a remark, thinking about it now, I guess a theme of rising again, above adversity and destruction has shown up from time to time in your songs, and arguably several of the ones that I personally find most moving. It stands to reason that it would be personally significant. I'm happy for you, that you have managed to make your own castle too, so to speak. Another question which is also broader than only When the Wolves Cry Out: I've been wondering about for a while, what are your influences for the structure and style of the lyrics?


hey! Usually when composing lyric structure I don't think about what the influences are so much as what i feel just fits with the piece and what I like the sound & feel of myself. There surely ARE influences there, just not always consciously chosen ones :) As for the the songs with a strong sense of purpose, I think it comes from my own past which was quite difficult. I've often struggled to find meaning, happiness and purpose in life and music has given it to me - hence why I relate to these stories so much :)