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Hey Patrons! 

First up, I wanted to answer a couple of questions I've been getting from you guys:

Q. How often will you be releasing songs and will I get charged for them all if you do lots at once? 

A. I'm currently aiming for anything between 15-18 songs per year. I did 25-30 in 2015 & 2016 but that almost broke me so I won't ever be doing that many again.

 However! In the unlikely event that I go mad and do say, 4 songs in one month you can set a monthly cap on your pledge.

Q. Do we get charged individually when you do a whole album at once like Vistas?

A. No. On the offchance I do another Vistas, I'll release the whole album together and you'll be charged just for that 

And now my question for you... 

As people can join and leave Patreon any time they like, there is the possibility that people can sign up for one month, download everything I have posted, then un-pledge. They could also pledge for one month in January, get the new album for 2 quid, and leave.  Obviously that's not fair to the people who are full time patrons. 

My proposed solution is to make download links temporary. I'm thinking a two-month period for each? that should give patrons plenty of time to get it while minimising abuse of the system. 

Let me know if you guys think this is fair, or if any of ye knows of a better solution.

Finally, Prey song is almost done!!! Sorry for the wait, been taking the time to get it just right :) 

Have a rockin' day,



David Amato

Sounds like a good solution, fair enough! Let's do it like that :)


Hi! I am also a musician. When I make more money I will be pledging more to all of the creators I currently support. Please consider visiting my website at patreon.com/IvanSings and make your song requests in the post titled "fan requests" I try to release 3-5 videos per day when Im not on vacation. Thanks for reading!