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Hey Sound Bites!

First off, thank you so much to everyone who became a patron. There are now  over 1300 of you within the first week which is honestly pretty crazy and far exceeded my expectations :) Massive high five to you all. <3

Second, I thought I'd let you know how the next couple of months are looking song-wise! 

First, I've been planning a Zelda song for a while now but have been holding off until more people have been able to play & finish it (Nintendo's forced scarcity tactic may be 'good business' but it kinda sucks for all the fans who couldn't get switches early). So that  song probably won't be for another few weeks but is more than likely coming :) 

I've also been playing Prey which is great and has an inspiring soundtrack by Doom/Wolfenstein composer Mick Gordon. Definitely some ideas floating around my brain right now.  

Finally, there are also one or two personal songs I want to make before 2017 is over. A lot of you have been asking for this and it's something I'm all for! I love making the more personal songs like Amnesia, Evacuate etc and will be making at least one more of these in the next few months.    

I'll be sure to keep ye updated on anything new I start work on or get inspired by :) Feel free to ask me (or each-other) any questions you might have in the comments!! 

Big luv,




Hah! Finally! It was kinda too much to buy all the already released CDs (not to mention that I haven't use a physical CD for quite time now), so finaly some redemption for my sins (Y'rrrr!)


Glad some of the more personal songs are planned. Those have been some of my favorites, songs like Amnesia and Every Time You Look Around have gotten me through some tough times.