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Hey all,

Welcome to our first patron-only comic. If you share this image with your friends, please tell them where it came from. =)

For those of you who didn't read Ramen Empire, this will be the first time you've met our DM, Sera, face to face. She'll be showing up more prominently in general after Starfall ends, and in the Patreon comics starting, uh, now.

300 PPI png is attached of you want to see the clown, whom I am dubbing DARK BONZO, LORD OF THE PIT, in high resolution glory.

Definitely let us know if you like this!




LORD OF THE (ball) PIT! Now, did Sera have this planned from the start, or did she just run with Reynaldo's* "natural consequences"? *or whatever Reynaldo's player's name is ^_^


(Kudos either way. To put that much depth that you weren't even planning on using, or to fly like that based on player input... )

Pavel Lishin

I'm running a one-shot I wrote on Monday , and now I'm extra terrified.