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Our next splatbook is going to be a document for expanded weapons feats. In the meantime, I am still tweaking Culture & Physiology, so here's a new version of it.

Patch Notes:
Nerfed traits that grant spells, bringing them in-line with the core rulebook tiefling.
Moved the cantrip to a new trait.
Buffed Pack Instincts to better clarify its mechanical role.
Added clarity to and renamed “Other.”
Nerfed Deep Cultural Hatred; it was too strong in actual play. I now understand 5e's mechanical problem with the ranger's "Favored Enemy" feature. I might change this to "reroll missed attacks one time versus this enemy" instead of extra damage as I test that feature.
There may be other changes I am missing.

I have been calling this 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 in the title of this instead of the actual patch number, which is 1.1.0. - I think it's a little clearer to people that this is the 3rd release of a thing that way.



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