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I've been thinking a lot about the old Skill Challenge system from 4e and what I did and didn't like about it. This isn't exactly a replacement for that, but it started from those roots. 

What it turned into was a way to recreate moments like the first half of the Diablo 4 trailer, where everyone fights off monsters until the wizard can unlock the door. That's a cool moment in a lot of fantasy - a key trope - and this is how I'd replicate those in D&D.

Let me know what you guys think!




You can make a skill check if you're not proficient with the skill. Can you do that with this system? If so, is there a difference between a character who is proficient with Athletics and someone who is just strong?


Context is king, but in general, this system doesn't let you make a roll without proficiency. "You can translate the runes without training -- but AFTER combat. In the heat of battle, without training, you can make no sense of what you're seeing." Or, more mechanically, you can't roll a proficiency dice without proficiency.


Maybe let participating unskilled characters make a d2 or d3 roll. Especially at higher levels, when characters are getting d8 or nothing.


Actually, the whole party always getting the same dice may be a bit of a conceptual problem. Maybe the dice should depend on how appropriate a character's skills are. Different dice for unskilled, proficient, expertise, using a class ability, or using an appropriate spell/cantrip may work better.