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Update - 9 Feb 2020

I've added a file updated for version 1.01. This has typo fixes, removes some idle chatter about my personal games, and adds rules for throwing polymorphed creatures, fastball specials, and throwing creatures vertically. 

Most importantly, throwing a creature was always meant to be an attack, not a full action, and the document now reflects this.

The original file is still present. 1.01 has a red bar on the cover. 1.00 has a green bar on the cover.

Original Post

Sometimes you want to throw a mother fudge-muffin into another mother fudge-muffin. As there are only two fudge-muffin queens on this plane, doing so will allow you to potentially defeat the entire hive. Good luck.

Wait, no. Sorry, got lost for a second. These are rules for throwing creatures. Share widely and enjoy!




WOW, you read my mind.