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I put a lot into this. I'm going to write up a postmortem for the production blog, so look for that soon. In the meantime, when I close my eyes, all I see are the variations on breath attacks that I threw out of this document. 

The PDF is attached. Feedback welcome!



Vik M.

Hey! LOVE this, I will definitely be incorporating it into my campaign (My players are headed to an archipelago dominated by Dragonborn!) And I absolutely *loved* Safety!! Just a couple things: For the spell Corruption, it's a bit weird that the corrupted water turns to ash after the spell ends. Why doesn't it just turn back to normal water? Otherwise, since it's a ritual, I could see some creative players using it to really mess with a cities water supply by just casting it over and over again, cause even after the spell fades the water would still be gone! Also, under Sepulchre of Life, you mentioned Shadow Dragonborn. Do you guys currently have any plans of making them, or was that just for the groups that already had them in their world? Anyways, sorry for rambling on!! Hope you guys have a wonderful day!!!


Shadow Dragonborn were in an earlier draft and didn't make the cut because I had a deadline for testing these things. A self-imposed deadline, but content is better than no content, so I snipped them for now. It was meant to be a villainous subrace, ala Drow or Death Domain Clerics - a dragonborn corrupted by the Shadowfell. I think it might be better to add it as a template or monster stat block. I have concerns about corruption as well, but I suspect that it's balanced by the time needed to ritual cast it plus the level of the spell. A black dragonborn could absolutely screw with a city's water supply if given enough time, but that same high level dragonborn could probably just kill people directly and cause far more harm. The next patch on this will almost certainly be for rounding out the spells, though, so if you make tweaks that feel good, absolutely let me know.