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Hello dear Patrons, thank you for the support you give me. As I've said before without your support this project couldn't continue. 

I'm sorry I haven't been so active this month but there are days that not matter how much I try I'm not satisfied with what I draw and the last 2 weeks have been like that. I feel better now and I have been working in a very special work featuring Palutena, the winner of the Smash Bros. poll, here is a WIP.

It's going to take some time but I plan to finish it this week, once again I'm sorry for the lack of content but I will try my best to meet my quota by the end of the month.

Thanks for your patience, moral and financial support. ♡(ŐωŐ人)



I'm glad you settled on some art you like then! :D Palutena is looking good.


I owe you an apology Seishi, for real. Do not worry at least on my end I can wait for as long as it takes even if I don't even know if my Patreon tier will get to see the full thing. I'm still here and still supporting you the way I can.