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Hi Patrons!

One or more of our next few After Dark episodes will likely feature listener mail. Have any questions/suggested topics? Let us know in the comments below.

Also: If we didn't get to your question last time around, you are welcome to re-post them. Thanks, as always, for your support.


Casey Wright

What do you find most frustrating about a film like LISA FRANKENSTEIN? I ask since it's not all that often the three of you are in (almost) total agreement about the perceived failings of a movie, but also seeing that there *is/was* a good movie that could've been made. Not really asking about that movie specifically, more generally seeing movies that we "should've loved and yet didn't."


Because of Jeff’s unsullied-ness, I have always been curious how much of everyone’s “What We’ve Been Watching” segments he actively listens to. Does he not think these discussions count as sullying, or does he usually take off his headphones when Devindra and Dave talk? Does he only do it for things he’s interested in watching? How does he know when to put them back on? Have Dave and Devindra ever forgotten to remind him to join back in on the convo and left him out in the auditory cold?


This is Gabo, from Vancouver, Canada. For christmas I received a super automatic expresso machine. I was amazed by this new tech because it effortlesly generates a cappuccino or latte macchiato direct from fresh beans and milk. I tell my wife that every time I make myself a cappuchino, I remember her (it was a gift from her) and I feel glad to be alive. Two questions: 1) Are you coffee nerds and if so have you tried one of these wonders? 2) What things in your life consistently make you feel glad to be alive that you haven't normalized yet (I know children is the typical answer, but lets dig deeper). Other "material things" that always surprise me about how impresive they are are: VR games (I have the PSVR2) and the quality of a 4K projector. Every single time I use those I can't believe it.

Ben Waterworth

Bringing up the end of Split in the last After Dark reminded me of my experience with that specific moment… Right at the start of your review Jeff implored listeners to avoid any spoilers and go to see the movie. As someone who’s followed Jeff since the early TRS days, enjoyed M Night’s earlier movies and had nothing better to do that day I thought “why the hell not” and went to see Split right away. The final scene blew my mind too! Afterwards, I felt like I should try to give others the same experience and encourage them to see the movie without knowing anything - just like Jeff had for me. I told my (now) wife how much I’d enjoyed it without spoiling anything and she seemed really keen - I even tried to subtly establish that she’d get what was so cool by talking about M Night’s earlier films and how great they were and she agreed. So the next day I go to see Split with her. After about an hour I detect that she’s really not enjoying it, but it’s ok…she’s going to blown away by the end. The final scene comes on and my heart is racing with excitement at how she’s going to react when she realises what’s going on. After it ends I look at her expectantly, but quickly realise she’s more confused than excited. I say to her “it’s the character from Unbreakable and…” then before I can finish she says something I’ll never forget: ”oh…I haven’t seen that one”. Anyway, any times you’ve been crushed by disappointment when recommending something to someone and it really didn’t land? Ben in the UK.


I know this is an old post but … just in case. I recently noticed a plethora of offshoot tv shows for The Walking Dead including one that even takes place on a submarine. Have you seen any of these? If so do any of them inject energy into the franchise? I counted at least 4 of them.