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Exclusive to Patrons: We're bringing you our review of Argylle early! David, Devindra, and Jeff discuss Matthew Vaughn's latest spy romance. Is it a return to form for the skilled action director?

Spoilers begin at around ~22:00 into this audio.

Note: This is just the review segment of next week's podcast episode. The Argylle podcast episode will air as usual, with this exact same segment at the end of it.




The last pre-roll plays and then, instead of the movie starting, the lights come up and there’s nothing on the screen. Everyone starts commenting loudly (in my experience usually you’ll get 1, MAYBE 2 people try to be “funny” and rarely succeeding at that). “That was a good movie” “Oh wow did I miss it?” “5/5 great film” “I would see it again!” I’m sitting there in desperation: please shut up and be patient. It will start soon. A lady stands up and declares herself the knight in shining armor, “I will take care of this everyone! Don’t you worry.” She proceeds to march gallantly down the theater steps. Everyone cheers. “You got this!” “You can do it!” “Good luck!” The movie starts after she takes about 5 steps and I am (for the last time) grateful for the film starting. Throughout the film, I’m yet again stunned by how much this audience is laughing and gleefully exclaiming their enjoyment of each scene while I am bored to the point of questioning if I should end my A-List subscription. It was overwrought, overlong, overwhelmingly oppressive in its banality. The audience for 2 hours and 20 minutes gaslit me into conflicted confusion. I hated Argylle. Yet I was surrounded by people who loved it. Leaving the theater I immediately got in the car and played the Filmcast review which shepherded me back to reality. The film sits at a 35% critic score and 71% audience score.

Andrew Ols

Great review but I do have ONE nitpick relating to the spoiler section. As someone who didn't see the movie and doesn't plan to, I was a little disappointed that no one actually explained or briefly stated what the spoiler/twist/reveals in the movie was. Dave was about to do that at the start of the spoiler section but then they just never explicitly said it. Either way, very fun review! This is more a note for future spoiler sections. Y'all normally do say the spoiler so maybe it was just forgotten this time.


The author is writing a novel about spies TWIST the author is telling the future because she was a spy TWIST the author’s fictional spies are actually based on real people TWIST the author’s fictional spies are not just based on but actually real people. Hope that made sense