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Exclusive to Patrons: We're bringing you our review of Mission: Impossible - Dead Reckoning Part One early! David, Devindra, and Jeff discuss the latest Tom Cruise/Chris McQuarrie joint and whether it lives up to the quality of its predecessors.

Spoilers begin at around ~20:00 into this audio.

Note: This is just the review segment of next week's podcast episode. The Dead Reckoning podcast episode next week will air as usual, with this exact same segment at the end of it.




Regarding the Paris character, I felt like the film was hinting at the idea of self-fulfilling prophecies and the Entity being a theme. Did Paris really turn because Ethan spared her or because she was pre-betrayed by Esai Morales' character?


!!!!SPOILERS ON "MISSION IMPOSSIBLE DEAD RECKONING PART ONE" BELOW!!! I enjoyed parts of this movie but it also feels very empty and missing some connecting tissue. It's also a bit overlong and bloated in my opinion. While I do like the concept of AI in the sense that Ethan and everyone else can't trust basically any information at all I don't think the movie went far enough in that direction. They sprinkle it in here and there but I would have liked it to be more of the central trust of the movie, that Ethan and Co are completely confused and are getting contradictory information throughout. To the point that they almost get paralyzed because they don't know what to do or what to act on. THAT would have been really interesting in my opinion. A movie that sows paranoia and confusion. I did NOT like that the AI was given a "presence" and visualization in the movie. It just made the whole thing really dorky. It would have been much better if the AI was just a background thing pulling the strings behind the curtain with no one really fronting the AI directly but rather helping the AI unintentionally. "Useful Idiots" as it were. That would have been cool and interesting. It would also, as mentioned in the previous paragraph, could have played into Ethan, Luther and Benji not being able to trust each other because they get compromised information through the AI implicating each other in devious ways. So a huge missed opportunity there. The movie was fine but Fallout is way better than this movie.