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David, Devindra, and Jeff discuss the glory of Beef, the hilarity of Jury Duty, and the subtle beauty of Rye Lane. Plus: David shares his thoughts on Air. Then, Christian Spicer from DLC joins us to discuss The Super Mario Bros. Movie. Check out Christian's new book, Consequences.

Also: we're making video versions of our reviews! Be sure to follow us on the following platforms:

Weekly Plugs
David - This Week In Streaming: Beef
Devindra - This Week in Tech: AI Hustlers
Jeff - DLC Bookclub

Shownotes (All timestamps are approximate only)
What we've been watching  (~15:10)
David - Beef, Air, Jury Duty
Devindra - Beef, Rye Lane
Jeff - Beef, Dave season 3, Jury Duty,

Featured Review (~1:03:24)
The Super Mario Bros. Movie
SPOILERS (~1:31:15)

Support David's artistic endeavors at his Patreon. Listen and subscribe to David’s interview podcast Culturally Relevant and subscribe to his YouTube channel. Check out Jeff Cannata’s podcasts DLC and We Have Concerns. Listen to Devindra's podcast with Engadget on all things tech. You can always e-mail us at slashfilmcast(AT)gmail(DOT)com, or call and leave a voicemail at 781-583-1993. Also, follow us on Twitter @thefilmcastpod.





I think the Mario Movie is very much the Force Awakens situation. They had a previous entry that was critically not well received and soured people on the thought of another one. They got someone known for making overall fun safe crowd pleasing movies to come in and make sure the creators were involved as much as possible and turned out the most safe version they possibly could showing all the stuff we could want and nothing we didn't know we wanted. Now that it worked is the time to stretch a bit and try new stuff like The Last Jedi (hopefully with a lot less angry discourse).

Eric Carey

Jeff, as a fellow P.O.C (People of Carbonara), I was also deeply offended!