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Hey folks,

One or more of our next few After Dark episodes will likely be a listener Mailbag episode. Have any questions/suggested topics? Let us know in the comments below.

As always, thanks for your support!


Danny Champlin

I know I'm late, but I was just watching the Empty Man and saw a transition where they zoomed in on a map, then the map turned into a satellite view, which zoomed further into a car driving on a road... I couldn't stop thinking about how cool the transition was, and ended up missing 10 minutes of the movie. Is this something directors need to be careful of? Putting things in a movie that are so cool that they distract from the actual story? Scenes with extended single shots comes to mind.


Got a *****Film Court for you guys. Probably an easy one. I went to see Jungle Cruise yesterday evening (really enjoyed). A few events happened. This very large group that spanned an entire row sat in front of me at the AMC Dine-in I regularly attend. About halfway through the trailers, after having been told by multiple people they were in the wrong seats and my thinking “Good lord I hope these people get thrown out,” they finally realized they were in the wrong THEATER and subsequently left. That’s not the problem. Then the annoying part arrives. The actual seat holders all take their seats back. About halfway through Jungle Cruise, I’m locked in, riding the Cruise with Em and the Rock; and this MOM directly in front of me begins sitting on her armrest and blocks my view for the remainder of the movie. The theater was relatively empty, about 20% capacity. I could have moved. I stayed in my purchased seat out of principle and cleared my throat a couple times in just an audible enough tone for her to hear. Nothing. So I finally moved with about 20 min left in the movie after having de-reclined like the damaged psyche that I am to see the rest of Jungle Cruise in its splendor. Question: should I have PSST’d the mom to tell her she was distracting me and, thereby throw her off the Cruise, or was I right to leave her be and ride the rest of the waters from her self-made crow’s nest?