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Hey folks,

One of our next few After Dark episodes (available for $10+ patrons) will likely be a listener Mailbag episode. Have any questions/suggested topics? Let us know in the comments below.

As always, thanks for your support!



Now that more people are vaccinated, which movies would you recommend watching with parents? For example, I watched Knives Out with my parents this weekend and it was a big hit.


Have you re-watched a show from your youth that you thought were "so-so" at the time but when re-watching it being older you actually think is pretty good? In my case I recently realized that all the episodes of X-files had appeared on Disney+ and Immediately started to re-watch favorite episodes (Squeeze, Tooms and Soft Light among others) but also more or less the whole seasons 7, 8 and 9. I remember not linking those seasons at the time and remembered almost nothing about them but re-watching them now I appreciated them more. The earlier seasons are obviously better but the show overall actually still holds up in my opinion.