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David, Devindra, and Jeff discuss The New Mutants (out right now on VOD) and debate what to do for their 600th episode. 



Peter Tribe

I can’t believe Jeff forgot about the 500th episode!!


Thank you for the company, your opinions and insights into all things movies. bit late switching over from the old paypal payment to this patreon, but did want to leave my key thought on New Mutants. I was not expecting any high hopes (defintly not from a critical, your, opionions) but I liked it mainly cause it was an X-Men story and Not Yet Another Superheros save the world BLAH BLAH BLAH. So something I hope they can try to do more of. Mainly they need to try making smaller scale/budget stories. But yeah, as a movie on it's own it has many story telling, missing info, problems, but glad that they tried. In contrast Dark Phoenix is pushing out a story for the sake of pushing out a story. *SPOILERish* One small movie show don't tell that didn't get much mention is Bobby doing all the chores, which doesn't sound like much. He comes from mega rich family, which I think he mentioned once, so would have had maids do everything for him. So him doing it is likely a self imposed punishment. Small detail which most other movies would have him point it out.