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Hello all, I wanted to touch base in general in regards to my whereabouts, upcoming projects etc.

I apologize for not being able to update Patreon much last month, so I wanted to extend an olive branch of sorts and offer a credit towards a 1 character black and white sketch that can be redeemed at any time. This is for all tiers $5 and up of those who are still subbed this month as a thank you for your continued Patronage/support.

As I mentioned some months ago, I own a brick and mortar business now and last month had me more or less flying about the globe for business, all of which put a very extreme tax on my physical health as I was constantly jetlagged/physically tired. With that said, things have slowed down tremendously, and I don't think I'll have to engage in much travel this month. Should I have to again, I will be sure to try and update a lot faster.

In regards to projects, there is A LOT on the table. I am catching up, but I am working on not 1, but 2 serialized comics. I am also working on an extensive Doujinshi project which I have uploaded, all of which I was working on in my small, short breaks last month. This project could be anywhere from 25 to 30 pages, there isn't any telling at the moment as its a commission, but I did want to show you all what I was working on in the background. Yongbi and Yoon MAY be getting a new project exclusively for DL Site soon, so please stay posted!

Again, I appreciate all of the support, help, and patronage. I hope to update you all more and I genuinely do appreciate any and all support. 




Oh man, I am loving those sexy WIP pages, definitely looking forward to seeing the finished product! Same for the other projects you have in development, interested in knowing what you have in mind for Yongbi and Yoon. Also totally cool, no need to apologize. Though I hope you do recover from your recent constant travelling. Didn't realize when you mentioned opening your own brick and mortar business you'd be travelling abroad. While certainly taxing, no doubt you got to enjoy sights and local cuisines on your trips! Rest well, and I'll be sure to contact you soon about that black and white character sketch. Certainly have a few fun ideas in mind for it.