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Hi guys.

Unfortunately I don't have good news: I can't upload the build of this month :(

My PC gave up on me.

I tried to see if I could understand why and fix it by myself, but for the life of me I cound't understand why it kept shutting down randomly, especially when I did stuff like using heavy programs or starting the game.

I think the hardisk is ok, I didn't lose anything, I think the problem is something else.

Anyway, this is my priority right now, so I'm going to get it fixed as soon as possible, probably in the next few days.

I still have my laptop with all my CC (I have a new wall set ready to upload in the next few days) so I don't have problems with creating new CC. Unfortunately The sims 4 doesn't have the ability to save on cloud, and that's why I can't upload the build I had ready.
My gallery on my laptop doesn't have the same lots I saved on the gallery I have on my PC.
I'm explaining this really badly, I'm so sorry, english isn't my first language and I'm feeling stressed rn T_T

So...having said that, I'm going to upload two builds on september: the one I had planned for this month and the one for the next month.

I totally understand if you're disappointed and I'm really really sorry. If you want to delete your pledge it's totally fine and you can have a refund for this month if you want.
Again, I'm really sorry.

If you choose to stay anyway for another month, thanks for the trust and I promise you'll get the Exclusive Build of August as soon as I can.

I'll be sure to save the tray files manually on my laptop every time, from now on.
It was stupid of me not doing it from the start.

I hope I explained myself clearly because I wasn't really sure how to say the things I wanted to say, and I probably messed up a bit.

Thank you all so much for your support and your patience.





We will be patient because your builds are so damn awesome.


your builds are always worth the wait :)