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Hi all! As a result from a poll from the last month, I'm going to release new cc once a month, starting from June. I'll take a couple of months as a trial to see if one big release a month is better for me than small releases more often. Bear with me through this process, please! I'm having a hard time finding a schedule that works for me, I need time for the family I didn't see for almost a year thanks to Covid and other stuff I'm dealing with. I'll try this method and then, if it doesn't work, I'll go back to the small releases. I also hope that this way I'll end up having more time to actually build (it's the part I really enjoy the most, not gonna lie).
Also, I've finally invested in a laptop that will allow me to work on stuff when I'm away visiting my family.

Thank you so much for your support!

I'll keep you posted with this month's work. 



Take care of you while you are at it, my friend! 🥰💕🥰