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Hi everyone, 

A new map, at last. This is a two-story building with day and night versions of the building plan. More details and some story hooks about Rawley Cliff Asulym can be found below under Seeds of Terror

Some changes to tiers and upcoming maps

I've decided to simplify things a bit to get things back on track better. I have unpublished the Keeper tier for now until I get everything back to a good speed. Now, there are two tiers:

  • Cultist tier: maps with one basic version(s) of the map
  • Investigator tier: All versions of the map in multiple file formats. 

The next map is going to be a building plan of a house with something terrible hidden in the attic

After that, we have a haunted factory map waiting to be made. 

These both are coming out in February.

But, without a further ado, let's me introduce you... Rawley Cliff Asulym.

The Rawley Cliff Asylum, located atop a steep cliff overlooking the ocean, is a two-floor building designed to treat those suffering from various mental illnesses. The asylum was founded by Dr. Alexander Ravenwood, a well-respected psychiatrist who claimed to have a new and revolutionary treatment method that would cure even the most severe cases of mental illness.

However, rumors and legends soon began to spread among the staff and patients that something sinister was happening at nights in Dr. Ravenwood's private study. It was whispered that strange noises could be heard coming from the study, and that the doctor was often seen speaking to thin air, his eyes rolled back in his head.

Despite the rumors, the asylum was successful for many years, with patients making significant improvements in their mental health. But as time went on, more and more strange incidents began to occur. Patients would wake up in the middle of the night, claiming to have seen ghostly apparitions wandering the halls. Some even claimed to have seen Dr. Ravenwood conducting bizarre experiments on patients in his study.

One night, a nurse entered the doctor's study to check on him, only to find the room in a state of utter chaos. The walls were smeared with blood and strange symbols, and Dr. Ravenwood was nowhere to be found. When the authorities were called, they found that the doctor had vanished without a trace, along with several of the patients.

The Rawley Cliff Asylum was eventually closed down, but rumors persist to this day that something evil still lurks within its walls. Some claim that Dr. Ravenwood was practicing dark magic and that the missing patients were used as sacrifices to summon unspeakable beings from beyond our world.

Nowadays, the asylum is considered a haunted and forbidden place, and few dare to venture inside. However, for those brave enough to explore its dark and creepy halls, the secrets of Rawley Cliff Asylum and the mysterious disappearance of Dr. Alexander Ravenwood are waiting to be uncovered. Whether it's to solve the mystery or simply to satisfy their curiosity, those who enter the Rawley Cliff Asylum are in for a terrifying experience that they will never forget.

Staff Members

  • Nurse Karen Smith, 35, Head Nurse
  • Dr. Thomas Lee, 40, Psychiatrist
  • Orderly Roger Johnson, 50, Security


  • Emma Brown (missing), 25, Hoarder, treated for OCD
  • David Miller (missing), 30, Conspiracy Theorist, treated for Schizophrenia
  • Sarah Johnson (missing), 28, Sleepwalker, treated for Sleep Disorder
  • Jack Wilson (missing), 32, Firestarter, treated for Pyromania
  • Lucy Taylor (missing), 24, Multiple Personalities, treated for Dissociative Identity Disorder
  • Michael Lee (missing), 27, Animal Whisperer, treated for Delusional Disorder
  • Caroline Rodriguez, 29, Compulsive Liar, treated for Pathological Lying
  • William Smith, 31, Chronic Paranoid, treated for Paranoid Schizophrenia
  • Jessica Davis, 26, Sleep Talker, treated for Sleep Talking Disorder
  • John Doe, 29, Amnesiac, treated for Dissociative Amnesia
  • Emily Wilson, 25, Catatonic, treated for Catatonia
  • Matthew Jackson, 32, Music Obsessed, treated for Schizophrenia with Musical Hallucinations.

Rawley Cliff Asylum is a fully-detailed, VTT-compatible building plan for tabletop role-playing games set in the Lovecraftian horror genre. Explore the creepy halls, haunted rooms, and mysterious study of the infamous asylum where strange events took place. 


All variants come with and without a grid

  • 1st floor propped, lights
  • 1st floor propped, no lights
  • 1st floor propped, night
  • 1st floor unpropped, lights
  • 1st floor unpropped, no lights
  • 2nd floor propped, lights
  • 2nd floor propped, no lights
  • 2nd floor propped, night
  • 2nd floor unpropped, lights
  • 2nd floor unpropped, no lights
  • Transparent PNG tiles of the 2nd floor

Resolution & Scale

  • Resolution: 140 pixels per square
  • Grid dimensions: 32x22
  • Recommended Scale: 5 ft / 1.5 m per square
  • File types: JPG, WEBP, PDF, PNG


If you are a patron of Mythos Maps, you can download your rewards from the links below.

If you get an error message (e.g., "error 403"), please make sure that you are logged in to your Patreon account and subscribed to the tier you are trying to download.

Cultist Tier

Basic Map Pack (Includes one variant)

Investigator Tier

Full Map Pack (JPG, Includes all map variants)

WEBP Map Pack (WEBP, Includes all map variants and tiles)

PNG Tiles (Includes floor tiles with transparent backgrounds)

Print-ready PDFs (Includes maps with 1" squares in print-ready PDF format)


Thank you for your support!




Love it!