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I've adjusted the tiers on patreon to better reflect the benefits going forward. I plan to ramp up my use of patreon going forward, so I hope this will be a good first step to getting there.

Thank you to all of you who have stuck around through the patreon’s inactivity. It means the world to me, and I hope that I will be able to provide more content more regularly going forward.

The biggest change will be removing the character pole system. I haven't used it in a very long time as I found it to be both very stressful and a massive time sync, especially in times where I'm working through many commissions and deadlines. Instead, the highest tier will have access to early/very early WIPs. While I know this isn't as exciting, it will hopefully make posting a much more relaxed process. For this same reason, I've also removed the 2.5 Tier, as it's only extra benefit was the voting power on these character polls. If in the future I find that I have more free time to work on non-commission projects, I’m open to bringing back this reward. But in the meantime I don't want to bait people into subscribing to my patreon for these tier for these rewards.

I will also keep posts going forward as a monthly thing. This way I'm not flooding everyone’s feeds with multiple versions of different pieces I’ve worked on. What this means is that there'll be a summary at the end of every month and a single download link leading to all of the associated files. Hopefully this will be a much cleaner way of doing things 🙏

More content coming soon! Thank you all for your patience! 🤗


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