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(SORRRRY! I have no excuse, I was just irresponsible this week! I think that part is awesome, though, and worth the wait!)

They smiled demurely, proper and respectful, but more than once their gazes flicked down to the warrior woman lying at their feet, eyes shining with girlish excitement. They remained still, waiting for my order, but there was a jittery tension, an occasional fidgeting, like young mares knowing they were about to be let out of the stables.

My girls were as eager to put their hands on Red Sonja as I was.

Noticing this as well, Sonja groaned and lifted her head. With an effort, she slowly managed to sit up, planting a trembling arm on the floor to keep herself up.

“Very good, girls,” I grinned, “Lita will attend to me, the rest of you…” I gestured to the weakened warrior below me, “Please see to this poor creature. Bathe her, cleanse her, comfort her… make her as lovely as a rose.”

The handmaidens bobbed another curtsy, “As you wish, your grace!”

Then, giggling with delight, they set down their implements and converged on Sonja.

“Away from me…” the she-devil snarled at them.

As Lita, my favorite, circled around the group to come to my side, the others set upon Sonja with gentle persistence. Two came to her arms, another two her legs, intending to pick up the larger, more muscular amazon between them.

“I… said AWAY from me!” Red Sonja roared.

She swung a clumsy swipe at one of the girls, causing her to squeal with surprise and fall on her bottom, then kicked at another who was trying to take her under the knee. Another managed to grab her elbow but she jerked away, almost falling onto her back in the process.

Even weakened, exhausted, disarmed, and outnumbered, the likes of Red Sonja was a match for five small, pampered handmaidens.

“Keep your soft hands from me!” the warrior woman rasped, kicking at another of the girls, “I am… not some… addled girl child!”

She managed to push one of the handmaidens away, even started to climb to her feet, but my girls were equally as relentless. They laughed and squealed like this was a fun game and continued their attempts to take her by the arms and legs. Rather than trying to pick her up, they merely held on, keeping her in place, like the goal of the game was to hold her down.

As the little wrestling match continued, I watched, allowing Lita to free me from my undergarments. I could have easily made Sonja go still and allow the girls to have their way, but they seemed to be enjoying themselves and it was entertaining to watch. There didn’t seem to be any danger of them being hurt, no reason they couldn’t have a little fun.

Besides, I had a feeling it would be a good, humbling lesson for the mighty she-devil.

Soon, as I suspected, the girls were able to wear Sonja down. Two of them each managed to take an arm, pulling it behind her back, while the other two each sat on her ankles, pinning them down. Frustrated, their quarry jerked and kicked as best she could, but didn’t have the remaining strength to pull free from their soft grasps.

“Off… me!” she snapped between breaths, “Simpering… moonstruck… doves! I’ll crush… your hollow… bones!”

However, despite her breathless threats, Sonja was barely capable of holding herself up. She flushed, humiliated, glaring daggers and panting through bared teeth, but they held her still, even beginning to coo and whisper to her.

“Shhh…” the girl holding her right arm cooed, “We’re not going to hurt you… just enjoy—” she was cut off as Sonja gave a hard jerk with that arm, “E-enjoy this…”

“Yes, it’s going to feel so good!” a girl sitting on her shin lightly stroked the she-devil’s thigh, “Sore muscles soaking in the hot water…”

“You can just relax,” another girl leaned close to whisper to her ear, “We’ll take care of every—EEP!”

She squeaked as Sonja lunged and snapped at her with her teeth.

“Why is she so angry?” another girl asked, “Doesn’t she know how nice it will be to serve the mistress?”

While those girls did their best to coo to and calm her, stroking her as they could before having to hold tight lest she fight free, the fifth girl approached with a jug in hand. Clay, it was painted black, it was wide at the bottom and narrowed at the top, stoppered with a cork.

“This will help,” the fifth girl smiled, kneeling down beside the squirming she-devil, “Some nice honey…”

The others continued to whisper and pet as the girl popped the corked. Bringing the jug to her nose, she took a deep inhale and smiled.

“This will be nice,” the handmaiden cooed, “And it will help her calm down… make her feel oh so wonderful…”

Reaching out to take Sonja’s chin, she brought the jug to the warrior woman’s lips.

But despite the others stroking and trying to distract her, the she-devil saw the real danger. When the girl took her chin, she yanked her head away and snarled like a cornered wolf.

“Keep your… vile potions…” she snapped, “And grasping hands… away! Touch me again… I’ll take your fingers!”

The girl frowned and tilted her head, hurt and not sure why the woman was being so difficult.

“It’s not vile,” she explained, “It’s very sweet… try some and you’ll see…”

She reached for Sonja’s chin again but had to pull back when the she-devil snapped at her fingers.

“Drink it yourself!” Sonja snapped, “If you wish… me to drink your poison… you’ll have to fo—nk!”

I put a stop to it her struggles right there with a small flex of will.

As amusing as it was to watch the wrath of the steppes be overpowered by a handful of naked girls, I knew Sonja WOULD take a finger from them if she could. My girls had worn her down enough. The point had been made, her helplessness made clear, now it was time to settle her down.

I let Sonja move her arms and legs if she liked, but her head stayed where it was. Her jade eyes widened with rage and shock when she realized she couldn’t move it. Rather than shout, she quickly clamped her teeth together, but it was a waste of time; with as much effort as wiggling my pinky, I opened her mouth. I even pursed her lips, like a baby bird waiting to be fed.

Not noticing how Sonja’s eyes were darting around in panic, the girl with the jug thought she’d simply decided to give the honey a try. She beamed.

“That’s better!” she cooed, “You’ll see, you’ll like it very much…”

Cupping her chin once more, the girl brought the lip of the jug back to Sonja’s lips.

“Here… nice and tasty and warm…”

Sonja tried and failed to protest, her eyes clenching shut as the pain of resistance pierced her skull. Twisting at the waist, she tugged at her arms and kicked with all her remaining might. Her struggles made her chest rise up, arching her back, the muscles on the side of her thighs tensing.

Yet for everything she couldn’t fight free.

The girl tipped the jug up and poured into the she-devil’s mouth.

“Mmmm… that’s it…”

From the lip of the jug, a golden, syrupy mixture seeped past Sonja’s lips. Flecked with ground up leaves, like seasoning, it flowed slowly, pooling on her tongue and creeping down her throat.

“Sweeter than ambrosia…” the girl cooed.

The others murmured among themselves and licked their lips. They’d tasted the honey before too and would have loved to share in it, stroking Sonja wherever they held her as they imagined what the warrior woman was enjoying.

While the girls around her cooed and petted, Sonja herself was beyond enraged at being handled this way. She couldn’t turn away, couldn’t shout, couldn’t even NOT drink the mixture down. Her eyes blazed, breasts heaving, continuing to jerk.

But I made her guzzle it down without pausing. Resisting only caused her pain and no amount of strength could save her. She would learn that as surely as I could manipulate her like a puppet.

And regardless, despite all her willpower and defiance, the “honey” soon began to affect her.

The syrupy mixture seemed to have the same effect as too much wine, but for different reasons. Rather than dulling the senses, it heightened them to the extreme, making her pleasure centers hair-trigger sensitive. A breeze would tingle over her skin like the caress of a lover, a brush from a soft human hand an electrifying sensation. It muddled the brain, melted away coherent thought, left one drowning in pleasure.

Not with every sword on the planet could Red Sonja have fought my mixture.

Gradually, as she continued to gulp down the golden mixture, her body began to soften. The tension melted away from her, her fists uncurling her flexing shoulders smoothing out. She fluttered her eyelashes, the wrathful clench of her brow smoothing away.

The girls immediately noticed. The two at her lower half cooed and began running their fingers up and down her thighs with slow, even strokes. The girls at her arms leaned down to nuzzle her shoulders, stroking her back, murmuring soft nothings that only made the hapless warrior sink deeper into the pleasant morass.

“So good…” one of them kissed her shoulder, “So soft…”

“That’s it…” another smiled into her face, reaching up to brush her hair, “Isn’t it nice? Don’t you feel warm… happy…”

Sonja tried to grimace, realizing what was happening, but could barely wiggle. Her eyes were beginning to mist over, and she blinked them hard to try to clear them, but it was a losing battle. Her expression was softening, losing her focus, becoming slowly dumbstruck by sheer sensation.

“Mmmm…” the girl with the jug continued to pour, “See? Better than anything… feels like you’re slipping into a nice warm bed on a cold day…”

“Or like you’re sinking into a squishy pastry,” another girl cooed, “Right from the oven…”

“Curling up with a firm body,” another whispered into her ear, “Cozy and safe…”

I allowed Sonja to let out a faint moan, even as she drank.

“And it’s only going to get better…” the girl with the jug cooed, “Now go on… enjoy it… you get to have every last drop…”

Soon the jug began to grow empty and Sonja’s pitiful struggles faded. The mixture was sweet and even the legendary she-devil couldn’t keep from slumping in the arms of her captors. Her body softened, melting into their grasp, and as the girls felt her relax this only increased their stroking and soft words of encouragement. The bombardment of sensations overwhelmed her.

Red Sonja’s fearsome eyes softened into shining green jewels, heavy and focused on something far away. She slumped back into the girls behind her, and they let her slack arms fall, purring in satisfaction as they supported her with arms around her shoulders. One cupped behind her head so she could keep drinking while the other nuzzled and kissed her cheek, both whispering and encouraging her to enjoy herself.

By the time the jug was empty, I hadn’t needed to force Sonja to drink. She’d been doing it on her own for several seconds. The handmaiden turned it upside down, gave it a few pats to knock free the last few drops, then sighed.

“Awww…” she purred, setting the jug aside, “All gone now…”

While the other girls continued to caress and smooth their hands over the warrior’s unresisting body, she leaned in closer to look into Sonja’s eyes.

Sonja’s gaze was wistful, blinking slowly, her mouth ajar. After a moment, a small frown creased her brow, her lips moving like she was trying to say something or figure something out. Although her mind was awash in intense sensations, she still knew something was wrong; she was simply too relaxed to do anything about it.

The girl smiled and smoothed her thumb across Sonja’s bottom lip, smooshing it down and wiping away some honey that had spilled.

“Mmmm…” the girl stuck the thumb into her own mouth and sucked it clean, “So good. Isn’t that better, Sonja?”

The warrior’s only response was a soft sigh. She was still frowning faintly, but she was clearly on another plane, her mind all but turned to mush by the whirlpool of pleasure.

The girls shared a looked and giggled amongst each other. They knew exactly how Sonja felt, having enjoyed the honey on more than one occasion themselves. Happy for the she-devil, and a little jealous, they stroked her fondly, all staring at her face to get a glimpse of that pleasure they craved.

“Okay,” the lead girl finally told the others, “Let’s pick her up now that she’s not so fussy.”

And with that, each girl took a limb, carefully lifted her up, then carried the mighty Red Sonja away.

Now that she was entirely at their mercy, I slipped my arm around Lita’s slender waist and strode towards the pool.

Lita shivered and sighed at my touch, eagerly led along. All of my girls were very tactile creatures, enjoyed touching and being touched, though it was mine they craved most of all.

I walked down the carved steps into the pool, my legs sinking into the toasty water. The temperature was always perfect, enough to bring goosebumps to the skin without scalding. I eased myself in, soaking in the liquid warmth, and watched my girls prepare my newest slave.

Without someone to hold it up, Sonja’s head hung back, throat exposed between her arms. Suspended by her arms and legs, her backside hung down in the middle, swinging gently like a pendulum while the girls awkwardly carried her between them.

“She’s heavy…” the girl at her left arm said.

“It’s because of how muscular she is!” said the girl at the right arm, “I wish I was so firm…”

Sonja lifted her head, blinking languidly, confused.

“Nnnmm…” she moaned, looking blearily up at one of the girls carrying her.

The girl smiled down at her, “Your legs are very glamorous, you know!”

“And you’re so tall!” another cooed to her, “You’re going to look so beautiful in a dress…”

Sonja frowned faintly, something about their words clearly troubling her through her pleasurable haze.

“Wh… what…?” she moaned, “Release me… p-put me… down…”

The girls carried her toward a rock structure with a smooth, level surface I’d carved to serve as a table. The one girl not carrying her set a plush cushion on the floor nearby and the other girls carried Sonja to it.

The next step took a bit more coordination. Sitting the groaning, faintly squirming warrior on the floor, two of them looped her arms over their shoulders. With grunts of effort, they lifted her up, high enough so her legs came off the floor.

“Hurry…” one of them winced, “She’s heavy… and a piece of metal is digging into my ribs…”

Another girl pushed the cushion towards them and the two girls settled Sonja’s knees upon it. With her kneeling, the two girls sighed with relief. They took her arms from their shoulders and stood upright, simply holding them to keep her in place.

“Ger… getcher…” Sonja slurred, her eyelids drooping, “H-hands… stop…”

She managed to lift her head, but then it tilted to one side, then back. Unable to keep it steady, it rolled around drunkenly on her neck, her eyes unable to focus on anything for too long.

While two of them presented her, the other three were free to prepare her. One of them bent down and began working a silver decoration off the helpless warrior’s arm, another popping the corks of different perfumes and soaps on the table to smell and check them. The third stood behind Sonja and picked at the wild, fiery red mane, running her fingers through it and rubbing their fibers between her fingers.

“Her hair is such a mess…” the girl sighed, plucking at a tangle, “She’s really not taken care of it…”

“It’s a shame, it’s very pretty,” one of the girls holding Sonja’s arm said, then looked down to their subject, “Once we’re through, it’s going to be like red silk ribbon!”

The she-devil clenched her eyes closed for a moment as the girl in front of her knelt down to untie the leather strings that held her dagger’s empty scabbard to her leg.

“No…” she mumbled, “Take y-your… grasping… away from me…”

The girl set the scabbard aside then reached behind her other thigh to untie a shining amulet that was strapped there.

“Curse…” the warrior groaned, “Your… greedy fingers… AWAY…!”

After Sonja managed to raise her voice at the last word, several of the girls shook their heads and clucked their tongues.

“She is such a stubborn thing…” one of them said.

“Soon you’ll serve my mistress and the great lord with your body and soul!” another stroked her hair, “Doesn’t that make you happy?”

The girl removing her decorations set aside the amulet then took Sonja’s chin between her fingers. Holding it still, she grinned into the warrior woman’s eyes.

“I know what will cheer her up…” she cooed.

Without further explanation, she leaned in and pressed her lips to Sonja’s.

From where I lounged against the side of the pool, I couldn’t help but smirk.

The other girls giggled as their fellow silenced the she-devil with a slow, sensual kiss. She pressed, sucking gently on the warrior’s bottom lip, then pressed deeper, letting her wet tongue sneak in.

Sonja’s lashes fluttered and her expression struggled, trying to frown, trying raise her eyebrows in surprise and being pulled between the two.

“Mmnhh…” she mumbled into the girl’s mouth, “Mmh…?”

She continued protesting, but as the smooth lips continued their gentle, suckling pressure, the sounds she made grew fainter. Her eyelids drooped, each confused blink drawing out longer.

Finally, Sonja’s eyes closed altogether. She stopped making sounds, stopped frowning. Clumsily, both from lack of practice and being heavily drugged, she was kissing the handmaiden back.

“Mmmmmm…” the girl purred, smiling. Reaching behind Sonja’s head, she tangled her fingers in the fiery red hair to press deeper.

The others could feel the warrior relaxing, her breath deepening. Enjoying her pleasure vicariously, they purred along with her, stroking and kissing her skin.

One of them reached beneath the loin cloth, smoothing her palm over Sonja’s bottom.

“Ohhh,” she grinned, “She likes this…”

The handmaiden that was enjoying the heroine’s mouth slowly drew back, breaking the kiss. She looked through lowered lashes into Sonja’s eyes, grinning crookedly.

The kiss had left the legendary warrior dumb and befuddled. Her fierce, pretty heroine now pouted her pink lips, puffy from being so thoroughly kissed, clearly yearning for more of the same. The jade eyes were not only glazed, but barely open, the mind behind them focused only on the sensations flowing through her. Her shoulders were slumped, head hanging by the handmaiden’s grip on her hair

The handmaiden giggled softly at the dopey expression on Sonja’s face.

“Mmm…” she ran her tongue over her lips, “I can still taste the honey…”

At that, the other girls perked up.

“Ooh!” one of them hurried around the heroine’s side, “I want some!”

Pinching Sonja’s chin, the girl turned the warrior’s face then leaned down for her own kiss.

Before the she-devil could recover any of her wits, she was smothered again by smooth lips and a curling, questing tongue. Her eyes drifted closed immediately, drowsily returning the kiss.

The girl withdrew to grin, “Mmm, you’re right… I can taste it…” then pressed back in to taste Sonja’s mouth once more.

I laughed to myself and leaned back my head so Lita could pour perfumed soap into my hair.

My handmaidens were not warriors in any sense. On a field of battle, with almost any advantage, even ten times their number would be slaughtered by a warrior like Red Sonja. They were skilled with gentler, sweeter arts, and they were as far beyond Sonja in those arts as she was them in the arts of war. They would have had no chance defeating the legendary heroine of the steppes in a physical confrontation but here, in this arena, Red Sonja was as helpless before them as a babe amongst a pack of coyotes.

As I watched, enjoying Lita’s attentions, the other handmaidens kissed the she-devil senseless. They rotated, giggling amongst each other and switching positions so they could each have their turn with her, enjoying her plush lips and sweet mouth. She began making soft sounds, purring and cooing, relishing being passed from one to the next in one, long, almost unbroken kiss. I don’t think anyone had ever seen the canny, battle-hardened Red Sonja so relaxed and content.

It was as I knew from the beginning. It wasn’t pain that would bring down the she-devil.

Once the last girl ended her kiss and drew back, Sonja was as fierce and dangerous as a sleepy, happy infant. Her eyes were closed to slits, her body entirely slumped, surrendered to the soft hands that kept her supported and comfortable. Her breathing was heavy and even, her cheeks and nose blushing pink, girlish and even innocent. The only expression she wore was a faint, silly smile, that just pulled at the corners of her pouty lips.

My girls grinned at each other, pleased with their work.

Now that she was calm, they could strip the barbarian woman down for her bath.

Whispering to each other, moving carefully so as not to disturb her, they set to work.

“Hm, how does this…?” one whispered, fiddling at the catch to the armored bra.

“It’s got this to keep it in place,” another girl helpfully whispered back, “You unhook that… then turn this…”

With a click, the glittering bra loosened, allowing the ripe orbs beneath to relax. The handmaidens lifted the shoulder armor from her arms and reached behind her neck to undo the other clasp. Once that was free, they could finally lift the famous metal garment from her chest.

“Hmmm…” Sonja sighed, still wearing a faint smile.

Beneath the armored bra lay a thinner version, more fragile version of soft hides and leather strings. Without the gleaming scales of metal covering it, the bra looked flimsy and primitive, little more than cups tied with strings to keep her breasts secured.

While one girl untied the strings of the bra, others undid the clasp on the side of the metal loin cloth. It came undone and they lifted it off her, while the two girls holding her arms distracted her with nuzzling and soft kisses. Set aside, it lay crumpled next to the more rigid cups of the metal bra, discarded.

Stripping away the last of Red Sonja’s dignity was a quiet affair. The strings of her undergarments were picked at and tugged, soft strands of leather whispering against each other as the knots at the hips were drawn open. It had to be untucked from between the pale cheeks of her bottom and then drawn out from between her legs. Once free, it was neatly set aside.

“Mmmnnnh…” Sonja murmured, all but limp in the girls’ arms.

I sighed as well, my smile broadening as I enjoyed the sight of a naked, helpless she-devil.

Held upright as she was, knees turned inward awkwardly inwards, from broad shoulders to wide hips made a perfect hourglass. Her breasts were firm and creamy, so fair that her areolas stood out like copper coins on balls of white dough. In contrast to those soft shapes, her stomach and shoulders were lean and sleek, even relaxed her musculature made her tight. I was also delighted to see the cleft between her thighs was smooth and clean.

The girls never gave her a chance to gather any of her wits that remained. The two holding her upright nuzzled and kissed her from either side, trapping her between them with patient presses from lips and noses. The others stroked and handled her body how they liked, enjoying themselves. The hapless warrior’s mouth hung open, eyes drifting closed, soaking in the flood of sensations from each and every touch to her skin.

One of the girls cupped the she-devil’s breasts in either hand, eyes wide with excitement, mixed with a small amount of genuine awe.

“She is magnificent…” the girl cupped beneath the soft orbs, kneading and molding, “Her breasts are like… like ripe orange fruit. When they’re all shining and bursting with juice!”

“How does she stay so firm, without being too skinny?” another girl was massaging her shoulders, “Do you think they’re all like her in the steppes?”

The leader of the group stroked the fiery red hair, “She won’t be telling us now, girls. Look at her; she’s deep in the bosom of the honey.”

All thought obliterated by the deluge of pleasure, Sonja let her head droop, almost falling into a doze.

The leader girl took the warrior’s chin and tipped it back up, smiling into her face.

“Let’s get her into the water and give her a nice long bath,” the girl leaned in to nuzzle Sonja’s nose with her own, “She’ll be able to tell us everything after mistress and the Great Lord have shown her the light.”

Barely pausing in their attentions, two of the girls picked the more muscular woman up by her knees, then the group carried her towards the steps of the pool. Slowly and carefully, the team of handmaidens trooped down, one step at a time into the thrilling embrace of the water. The leader lagged behind to gather some of the soaps, brushes, and perfumes the others had set on the floor, then followed after them more quickly.

When Sonja’s feet initially touched the surface of the heated pool, her toes curled and she tensed with a faint gasp. Her eyes widened, her head lifting to blink around in drunken surprise, but the reaction to the sudden heat was only momentary. From where I enjoyed warm touches of Lita, I watched the vaunted swordswoman melt like candlewax into the arms of my handmaidens as the delicious warmth seeped into her muscles.

“Ohhhh…” she sighed, wilting in complete relaxation.

The handmaidens sighed as well, allowed to relax as the water’s buoyancy helped support the muscular barbarian.

“It’s always perfect…” one girl swished her hand back and forward through the clear pool

“Isn’t it perfect, Sonja?” one of the girls whispered to the dazed she-devil.

The leader of the group floated towards them, her arms full of their potions and tools.

“Now, now,” she chided playfully, “There will be time to enjoy the water after we’ve given Sonja a nice long scrub.”

And so, giggling and sighing, the girls closed in around the swordswoman and set to work.

Once the girls surrounded her, I could barely see Red Sonja through the cluster of naked bodies. She stood a bit taller than the handmaidens, her fiery mane just peaking over their heads, the center of the small mass of attentive girls. But though, I couldn’t see her, I could still hear her groans and sighs.

It was like watching a number of artists working on the same statue. My girls poured water over the slack warrior woman and lathered her with soap, scrubbing every inch. Their hands molded over every curve, into every nook, diligently and patiently. They worked in tight circles, working the cleansing draughts into her moist skin, polishing her curving form.

One girl lifted Sonja’s battle strengthened arm, holding the limp thing up so another could scrub underneath. Another poured soap and oil into her wild hair and worked her fingers through the tangles and gnarls, lathering it into a thick foam. Others saw to her legs beneath the water, as well as… well, every other rounded place your hands would like to wander.

“I wish I had a bottom like hers,” the girl polishing her rump said, “So, so firm… sticks out…”

Another girl was cleaning thoroughly between her legs. Very thoroughly.

Sonja’s brow began to furrow, lips pouting at the rhythmic work between her strong thighs. Her breathing picked up, body tensing until finally she let out a plaintive moan.

“Shhh, Sonja,” the girl grinned, continuing to rub, “Powerful warriors don’t whine…”

But Sonja was helpless to resist the throbbing that was building within her. Her mouth opened wider, expression growing more troubled, cheeks flushed.

“Unhhh…” she moaned again, her voice more girlish than I’d ever heard.

“Such a crier you are,” the girl giggled, “Hush now… no squeals…”

When one of the others saw what she was doing, she swatted playfully at her.

“Aww, don’t tease her!” she chided before giving the flushed swordswoman a pitying look, “Poor Sonja, she can’t help it…”

The girl gave Sonja a quick kiss on the mouth to comfort her.

So it went for a good long while. The girls scrubbed the roughness off her bit by bit, rubbing away callouses, making everything soft and pink. Any tension that remained in her muscles was massaged away, her nails smoothed, a brush pulled through her hair until it was as smooth as silk. My handmaidens were loving and enjoyed their work, relishing every touch, taking their time transforming her.

I watched intently all the while, never growing tired of it.

Well, watched wasn’t entirely accurate. With so many hands moving on her, I couldn’t see much, but through my presence in Sonja’s mind, I could feel exactly was happening to her. And it was… delicious.

While the girls’ scrubbing softened her skin to a healthy shine, the effect on her mind and spirit was even more profound. With each stroke they were polishing away the rough angles of her soul, soaking her spirit’s armor in pleasure until broke apart. Anything thorny or aggressive was gradually worn down, leaving only contentment and a desire for more pleasure.

As I said, all of Sonja’s warrior skill couldn’t help her in this arena. My girls were preying on her with affection and pleasure, nibbling at her warrior spirit, shrinking it little by little. She had no weapons against it. She could only be slowly devoured, things precious to her taken away by soft hand and gentle voices.

I lost track of time. I don’t know long they bathed her, but I knew when Sonja was finished.

Rising from where I lounged against the edge of the pool, I stretched my arms over my head. I turned my chin to the side to work out a kink and yawned. I hadn’t realized how long I’d been in the same position, so intent on the swordswoman’s grooming.

Lita respectfully backed away, hands clasped in front of her, understanding I didn’t need her for the moment. She’s a good girl.

I yawned again then sighed.

“That’s enough, girls,” I said.

The girls silenced their whispering and stopped their work on cue. Backing away from their charge, they clasped their hands in front of them and bowed their heads, once again innocuous handmaidens. With them out of the way, I could finally see their finished work.

Despite her athletic body, I wouldn’t have believed the slumped woman was Red Sonja. Even held in my thrall, there was something wild and dangerous about the she-devil with a sword. That was gone now. Naked, held up entirely by two young girls, she looked like she was having an untroubled sleep, her head resting against one of the girls’ shoulders. Her fair skin shone with moisture, her exotic features innocent and without worry.

But most striking was her hair. The wild, fiery red mane of her moniker was now brushed flat and straight as a ribbon. The locks shined, no longer spiking out like a thorny bush but soft and strokable, tucked neatly behind her ears, slightly darkened with moisture. It had been tamed; one of the girls had even decorated it with a little pink flower.

I smiled.

“Red Sonja,” I held out my arm, “Come to me.”

Sonja slowly lifted her head then rose from where she slumped, life returning to her. The girls holding her stepped back, no longer needing to support her and she advanced towards me with a lazy grace. This time it didn’t hurt her when I compelled her to move; she wasn’t resisting me in the slightest.

The surface of the water swished gently, barely disturbed as she brought herself to me. I even gave her a smug, sensual sway of her hips, waving her backside with each lazy step. As a sword-swinging barbarian living in the wilds, moving in such a playful, sexy manner was alien to her and without my control she never would have managed it. But with my guiding hand, the results were sublime. She had such a beautiful body; I would have to show her how to properly use it.

I had her sway right up to me, docile as a lamb. I let her stay there before me, close without touching, facing me. Then I had her open her eyes.

The eyes are indeed the window to the soul, particularly through magic. I looked into Sonja’s with a speculative arch of my brow. Her soul, that is. I wanted to see exactly what was there.

What I saw delighted but didn’t surprise me.

The true power of Red Sonja, what made her dangerous, was her single-minded determination. In any mortal man or woman, the thirst for vengeance that drove her would have faded over time, but not so with Sonja. Her goddess had granted her a fire that would never dim, a blade that would never lose its edge, not for decades or even centuries. Her skills in war, her canniness, and her sheer toughness were all extensions of her never-ending hunger, the tools she forged in that fiery furnace.

Now behind Sonja’s trusting green eyes, the fire was there, but the embers were low and contained. The spark that her goddess had granted her could never be put out, but the she-devil made no effort to fan the flames. It sat idle, while Sonja’s mind and spirit lay still, happy and glowing with warmth.

I laughed gently, looping my arm around the heroine’s waist. With a deliberate yanked, I thumped her into my chest, squeezing her against me, staring into her soft, pretty eyes.

“Red… Sonja…” I whispered.

She was so firm and at the same time soft, pressed against me, breasts against mine. My arm around her waist could feel the toned lean muscles of her lower back, not an ounce of extra mass, stream-lined and smooth.

Being close to me, my touch, made her shift with delight, a sleepy smile pulling at her lips.

I reached up to stroke my fingers through her hair. Even damp, it was so soft and smooth. My girls had done their work well.

The stroke made her sigh with contentment.

“This is why your goddess said you’re never to lay with someone who hasn’t bested you,” I explained to her, stroking her hair, “You poor creature… if you felt too much contentment, happiness, it would undo your strength. You would be vulnerable…”

I let my hand drift down to her bottom. I cupped beneath the round shape and pulled her hips into mine.

“Vulnerable as you are now,” I said, “Helpless…”

I sank my fingers into the unresisting cheek, squeezing, mashing it in my grip.


Red Sonja didn’t resist. She didn’t even tense in surprise as I claimed her naked bottom. Her arms remained at her sides, shoulders slack, still wearing a wispy smile. She enjoyed being touched, her body explored. She would have been happy if I’d never stopped.

Pleased, kneading her warrior’s rump, I rested my forehead to hers, looking into her eyes.

“I said you would be beaten,” I told her, “I said you would kneel… and now… I shall take your power.”

She didn’t mind at all. Inside her spirit, I could feel nothing but ease and contentment. The words were just soft sounds to her right then, enjoyable for their tone but having no real meaning.

I pressed a gentle kiss to her nose. It was soft as well, smooth as a young girl’s after my handmaidens’ attentions. Everything about her was truly the same, but at once also so very different.

And now for an even deeper change.

Closing my eyes, I tilted my head back, turning my face skywards. Still holding Sonja against me, I let out a deep breath, cleansing my mind of all thought. I focused myself, calling on all of my power. Once again, I began to glow.

Then I began to pray.

“Great Set, ruler of all that crawls upon the earth,” I called, “I present to you the servant of your enemy. I have bested her, beaten her in mind, body, and spirit. Her soul kneels before me, naked and unarmed, at my mercy.”

I opened my eyes, once more snake-like and golden, then turned my gaze, Set’s gaze, back upon Red Sonja.

The she-devil wore the same dreamy smile, innocent as a babe.

“Her resistance is shattered, her heart laid bare,” I continued, “She will never again raise sword against your servants. She has been bowed and offers everything she has, as a slave and thrall. As will all enemies of Set.”

I grinned. As the spirit of Set filled me, my teeth became pointed, my skin shining and scaled.

“I give you her power, mighty lord,” I hissed, “As our agreement states, it is yours. As it always was…”

With those last few words, I opened my mouth. I opened it as wide as I could and then it opened wider, the jaw unhinging like a python’s.

Mirroring mine, Sonja’s mouth opened as well. Not as wide, opening just enough to show her pink tongue, almost like she was about to speak.

It began.

Instead of words, wisps of scarlet vapor came from her mouth, from somewhere deep inside her. It looked almost like a trick of the light at first, particles of floating dust caught by the sun at the right angle to make it look like they glowed, but slowly it grew thicker, impossible to dismiss as an illusion. It grew into a swirling stream of red light, flowing from her mouth to mine.

My eyes widened with glee as I felt her power enter me. Such fire! Such sheer force of spirit! It was hot, sensual, forceful… indescribable! Even with my mouth open, my lips pulled up at the corners with a wild grin.

The gentle flow of energy became a rush as I guzzled it down, being pulled faster and faster into my eager maw. The sensation must have strange for Sonja too, because she tensed slightly, eyes now wide with surprise.

I didn’t blame her. I had no idea how long all this power had been inside her, but long enough that she probably couldn’t remember a time without it. Now it was all being sucked out of her as fast as wine being poured out of the bottle.

For a few glorious moments, the river of power flowing into me was thick and heady, bright enough that it was hard to look at, but all too soon it dwindled. As the source emptied, the glowing light entering my mouth grew thinner, from a stream to threadbare wisps. Soon it was just a few motes of light floating toward me, the trail end of a bright come, now passed and gone.

I could have enjoyed the feast for hours, but it only lasted about ten seconds. It ended, the light gone, my eyes returning to normal. My jaw shrank back to its normal size, my scales fading back to smooth, white skin.

Once it was gone, Red Sonja, the terror of the steppes, mighty barbarian savage, fainted with a soft sigh. She slumped back, drooping, arms dangling, held up only by the hand that cupped her bottom, pressing her hips to mine.

I closed my eyes with a sigh of my own, mouth spread in a broad smile of contentment. Savoring the taste of her power, I ran my tongue over my lips. The energy was Set’s, but having passed through me it felt like I’d had a delicious meal after a day of satisfying effort. It left me charged, excited.

And looking down at the unconscious Sonja’s bare breasts, aroused.

Slipping my other arm around her shoulders, I lifted her up towards me then leaned down to press a kiss against her neck. She smelled so clean and fresh, her skin so soft and sweet, I gave her another. Then another and another.

“Mmmm…” I growled, nudging her head back with my nose. I gave her a light bite on the jaw, just enough to grip, taste her, then drew back with another kiss.

The sleeping Sonja didn’t stir. She let me have my way.

From now on, she always would.

“Girls,” I smiled at the former warrior’s sleeping face, “Sonja is overtired. We shall take her to bed now and show her much… kindness.”

The girls were ecstatic. They nodded eagerly, bouncing with barely controlled excitement.

“As you wish, your grace!” they cheered, “Thank you, your grace!”

I leaned back down to give Sonja another kiss on her soft mouth.

The feast of her power was over, but there was more to be had. I would make sure this one would go on much, much longer.

* * *

This is how the legend of Red Sonja truly ended.

Despite my best efforts, for decades other tales were spread of the she-devil’s fall. Some said she challenged the dark lord himself and took his kingdom, others that she became a goddess and vanished into the clouds. Some said she died, but only after fighting an army of giants, succeeding in saving the world before she succumbed to her wounds.

After two hundred years, I hear less of these tales, but occasionally they’re still told. When I hear them, I roll my eyes.

In truth, the real Red Sonja is not a goddess or a devil or among the honored dead. She’s a graceful dancing girl that I keep by my throne at all times. I dress her in sheer, pink silk that’s cut in the same style as her armored loincloth, a ghostly reminder of what she was. Her sword was melted down and made into a lovely collar and bracelets for her. She now answers to Sonja the Pink and is quite friendly.

Of all my slaves, she’s my favorite. Her red hair is braided into a long tail that shines with health; it makes a good handle for when I ravish her. I make sure she’s well exercised to maintain her athletic shape, but also well bathed and well-loved. She goes with me on all my conquests, despite having little utility. I’ve tried showing the former swordswoman to kings and warlords to cow them into submission, but none have ever believed the calf-eyed, naked beauty kneeling before them was once the legendary she-devil with a sword.

As I write this now, she slumbers against my chest, her hair tangled with sweat, content and spent after I’ve put her to much use in bed.

That is truly the way her tale truly ended.

Now, as she is, it is mine.


Robert Terwillger

Amazing ending! I loved the power draining in particular :) Wonderful end to a great series!


heh, I really liked this story.


I think I liked the way Sonja was overwhelmed, not so much by just magic but rather by the harem and magic combined. It was a very nice change of pace

Cael Maslin

When's the Bayley story coming out?