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(Okay, so I worked my tail off the last couple of days but STILL couldn't get to the very end of the battle. I'm flying out for thanksgiving in a couple of hours, so I'm posting what I have for you guys now, then I'll continue working and hopefully post the grand finale sometime today or tomorrow. Enjoy, this is a big one!)

In the relatively close quarters of the upper floors, Siryn’s sonic scream was like a hand grenade. Even the Morlocks that weren’t directly struck by the force of the blast were nearly deafened, driven to their knees by the pain in their ears.

A few of them fired back with their own powers, but most were just reactionary and missed entirely. The closest to hitting her was what looked like a large thorn that embedded itself in the ceiling in front of her. The others just destroyed furniture or sections of carpet.

“Not so fun when you’re on the receiving end, is it?!” she yelled at them before letting loose with another cry.

Not wanting any of them to have the chance to take better aim, she swept her banshee cry across the room knocking, taking out a few others still on their feet. They slammed into walls and furniture or flew off their feet and hit the floor hard, where they curled up and covered their ears. Getting hit with the cry was both like being tackled and having one’s inner ear jarred; once they were down, they stayed down, entirely disoriented.

In less than ten seconds, every Morlock in the building who had been sniping at her was down and groaning, some with bleeding ears. Siryn didn’t feel a jot of sympathy for any of them.

Her fair features flushed with anger and exertion, she gave a nearby Morlock a solid kick.

“Kidnapping gob shites!”

The Morlock groaned and curled up a bit tighter, almost in the fetal position.

Footsteps thundered up the stairs, yells drawing closer. It seemed the Morlocks that had pursued her into the building had figured out where she was, following the sounds of her scream no doubt.

That was fine with her. She had a few things to say to them as well.

She turned towards the door to the stairwell, balling up her fists and setting her feet apart. Chin lowered, nose wrinkled and scowling darkly, she took a few deep breaths through her nose and out through her mouth, preparing her lungs. As the footsteps and cries drew closer, she glared at the doorway, bristling with aggression on the verge of release.

She waited for the door to open and for the first Morlocks to rush in.

When she heard them reach the top landing, she drew in a deep breath, then when the door opened, she screamed.

The first few Morlocks through were thrown back, their cries of shock and pain drowned out by the piercing shriek. The cry flung itself back down the stairwell and reverberated all the way down like an echo chamber, blowing out the windows and knocking Morlocks down the stairs like dominos. Crammed in such tight quarters only made the effects of the scream worse, stunning dozens of them, if not outright making their eyes roll back and causing them to faint.

The rush up the stairs was halted instantly.

Siryn cocked her hips and crossed her arms under her breasts, throwing a taunting sneer in the direction of the stair well.

A green energy blast shrieked past her, missing but coming close enough that she felt it go by. She ducked and turned, glaring in the direction in the direction it had come from.

Another ranged attack, this one a streak of blue fire, flew through the window from the opposite building and hit the wall a few yards away from her. The Morlocks in the windows across the square had seen her and were firing on her. They probably couldn’t see her very clearly amongst the ruined furniture and through the relatively small windows, but they were still trying. If enough of them opened fire, it wouldn’t matter if they could see her or not, they’d just filled the upper floors with destruction and eventually one would get lucky.

Siryn didn’t have time for that.

Ignoring more poorly aimed fireballs and laser beams, she lowered her head and charged across the room. She dodged around toppled furniture and vaulted several fallen Morlocks without stopping, moving like a professional athlete. Another blast whizzed by her head and she didn’t even flinch, reaching the windows then drove right through it, body completely horizontal.

She only dropped a few feet before she let loose her scream and took flight, looping through the air to dodge more blasts.

With the fire only coming from one direction now, it was much easier to avoid. She pulled up and did a few loops, arcing up into the air, then swooping low, making her flight pattern unpredictable.

She would let them shoot at her for a few seconds, allow them to try tracking her flight path and shooting where she would be. Once their fire was more spread out, she would make a sharp turn and go right through the window amongst them. She wouldn’t be able to maneuver as well in the tight quarters, but with the way her scream worked she wouldn’t need to. The Morlocks would be flung aside or crying out in too much pain to aim straight, the entire room made into a sound booth; she didn’t need defense if she had a powerful enough offense.

Banking again, she turned away from the building, slowing down for a moment and daring them to aim for her. Then she abruptly picked up the speed and made a complete 180, flying right at them.

On her high-speed charge towards the opposite building, she happened to look down.

A hole had been opened in the grassy field below, revealing a tunnel underneath. Several Morlocks had gathered around it, a girl that looked like a tiny version of the tin man, a squat man covered in dirt, a lanky man with little black spots all over him, and Callisto.


Siryn immediately swooped downwards, changing her target.

More Morlocks were climbing out of the hole, including the dark-haired girl that looked like the monster from the ring, but Siryn had her sights on their leader. Taking out Callisto was the priority. Without their leader, the Morlocks had proven again and again that they wouldn’t fight for long. She could end this battle here and now.

As Siryn shrieked downwards, Callisto smiled up at her and waved. Her arm was looped around the waist of a silver statue, holding it in place. The statue was of a woman with long hair swirling behind her and kept out of her face by a head piece that framed her elegant features, almost like a tiara. She had a flowing cape that attached to the wrists, long, graceful legs in tall boots, and a glorious body flaunted in a halter leotard. However, regardless of her beauty, the statue’s expression was horrified, mouth agape in a silent scream.

When she realized who it was, Siryn was shocked into momentary silence. Her eyes widened, her scream dying in her throat.


In that instant of surprise, something warm, thick, and goopy smacked into her mouth. It covered most of her face, including her mouth and nose. Suddenly she could barely see, she couldn’t breathe, and most importantly, she couldn’t scream.

Voice completely stifled, she pawed wildly at the goop that quickly hardened over her face. But without her scream, she couldn’t fly. And unable to fly, her dive became a fall.

The grassy field rushed up to meet her and all she could do was flail, the one eye not covered by gunk wide with fear.

“I got her!” she heard a shrill voice cry, “The screamer belongs to the mighty Toad!”

Then she hit the ground and forgot about flying entirely.


Rogue flew as fast as she could towards the square and her friends, but she hadn’t fully recovered from her battle in the lab or the method she’d used to escape. She wasn’t as quick or hardy as she was most days and powers or no, she felt like ten miles of bad road. The idea of running into yet another fight made her want to find the softest patch of rooftop and sleep for a month.

Instead, she thrust out both fists and forced herself to go faster still. She was weary, battered, and sore, but her team needed her. She sucked in her bottom lip, narrowed her eyes, and girded herself. Even if she was only half what she was at the beginning of the fight, half an angry southerner was more than these varmints could handle.

She was almost at the square when something struck her from below and her body went into convulsions.

She cried out in pain. Her chest thrust out, her back jack knifed, her hands flung out to the sides and formed claws. Electricity was arcing through her, forcing her to throw her head back, her body locking up. With her mouth agape, neck straining and unable to look down, she couldn’t see the figure that had leapt upon her and was holding on, sending voltage through her body into Rogue’s.

“Gotcha!” Eel-ectric cried in triumph.

Fed with power from the lab’s outlet, the young Morlock was barely recognizable. Her features were the same, her three eyes in their usual place, but her instead of flesh it all was in electric blue, like an incredibly intricate neon light. A veneer of electricity danced and arced over her like a second skin, glaring and difficult to look at, even as much of it was channeled into her grip as she hugged around the X-Man’s waist.

In the same way that Rogue’s body couldn’t move, her ability to fly was paralyzed as well. As she cried out helplessly, both of them fell, still moving forward at first as her momentum carried them, but then straight down like a rock.

Fortunately, they hit the rooftop of the administration building before they fell too far. And fortunately for Eel-ectric, she managed to turn them around and placed her hands on Rogue’s chest, riding her like a sled when she scraped across the rooftop rather than being squashed underneath her.

Ceasing the hug and having to focus on balancing herself cut the electricity for a moment as the pair of them skidded and ground across the rooftop. When Rogue hit the lip of the roof and stopped, Eel-ectric gasped and almost flew off her, but managed to grab her jacket and hang on.

“H-holy crap!” the girl gasped, her electric eyes wide, pupilless and pure light.

Rogue coughed and groaned, her heart hammering, body still twitching from aftershocks. She tried to lift her head, but her eyes rolled, unable to catch her breath, despite the deep heaving of her breasts. She knew she had to get up, she only had a few seconds at most before the girl continued her attack but trying to lift her arms made them scream in pain, so fried she could barely twitch her fingers.

Long before she could even bend her knee, it was too late.

Eel-ectric laughed breathlessly, straddling the fallen X-Man.

“Wow! I’m so glad I did that!” she grinned down at her exhausted opponent, “That was awesome!”

With that, she reached down and put her hands on either side of Rogue’s face.

Immediately electricity lanced back through her and the lithe belle arched up, bucking her rider as her body bowed into a rictus.

The Morlock bounced but held on, grinning delightedly down at the agonized X-Man.

“Actually, I didn’t know I could do that at all!” she chattered excitedly, “As soon as I sucked up all that electricity I—I don’t know—I kinda BECAME electricity! OR something! I ran right down through the power lines out of the building and—saw you, sort of, then jumped at you! I don’t know, it was, like, crazy!”

Her head thrown back, Rogue could barely see the girl or even understand her through the haze of agony. She was no longer screaming, she didn’t have the breath, but her muscles were clenching so hard it felt like something was going to break. Answering her was completely out of the question, but that didn’t stop the girl from talking. It seemed more like she had to tell this to someone, even if that someone couldn’t reply.

“It was like I had this idea, then forgot it, then remembered it!” she giggled, “It was scary but I felt like it would work, you know? And then I did it! I’m like an alpha level now for sure! I can even touch your skin, see? Cuz I’m part electricity!”

Rogue couldn’t breathe and couldn’t stop her heart from hammering. She knew if she didn’t do something she’d just be shocked until her heart gave out or she otherwise lost consciousness, but what could she do? She couldn’t even move!

Seeming to remember herself, Eel-electric smiled sweetly down at Rogue.

“Sorry this hurts,” she said cheerily, “But you can’t make an omelette without breaking a few X-Men! You’re powers just aren’t much good against me right now!”

Rogue just gaped, unable to even scream.

If she could have made a sound, it was possible she would have cried. Or begged. More and more, thoughts of resisting were being pushed aside. She just really wanted this to stop.


Frozen in her own personal hell, Storm bore silent, horrified witness to everything that happened in the square formed by the administration buildings. It was almost like she was disembodied or trapped inside herself, able to see, hear, and feel everything, but unable to interact. That in itself was crushing enough, but her primal terror at being completely enclosed was only compounded by the events happening around her.

The X-Men, the team itself, was crumbling before her eyes.

On the grass in front of her, Siryn gagged and pawed clumsily at the glue-like mixture covering her face. Unable to make a sound, she clambered up, trying to get to her feet.

She got up partway before Toad pounced on her, tackling her back to the ground.

“No no no…” the former Brotherhood mutant cackled, “So scampering away now, my pretty. You can’t escape the toad.”

Above her, Storm could hear the crackle of electricity and Rogue’s cries of pain. She wasn’t entirely sure what was happening, but the southern powerhouse wasn’t managing to save herself and she most certainly wasn’t coming to the rescue.

Standing beside her, arm around her waist, Callisto leaned close to whisper.

“Look at them, Storm,” she breathed, “The uncanny X-Men. The ideal that will never be destroyed. So… majestic.”

As the Morlock queen spoke, Morlocks came out of the nearby buildings, grinning in triumph and chattering excitedly. Several of them were carrying unconscious costumed women, in their arms, over their shoulders, or merely dragging them by a leg.

The battle was ending. The victors had been decided and now they were gathering, consolidating the prisoners and loot.

“Let’s see…” Callisto rested her head against Storm’s continuing to whisper to her, “I count Psylocke, the light bending one, Jean Grey, little Jubilee… of course, there’s the screamer, Rogue…”

Unable to turn her head, Storm could only see them as they were brought in front of her, but one by one she counted them just as Callisto did.

The boy in the hoodie settled Jubilee into his lap as he sat in the grass, cradling her head and stroking her breast. Another Morlock offered him an inhibitor collar, of the same kind that Storm wore on her own neck, and the boy dutifully slipped it into place, snapping it closed.

A bruised and beaten Psylocke was dragged over by her ankle and flopped to the ground beside Jubilee and the boy. Her chest rose and fell, but her eyes were closed and she didn’t otherwise move.

The dark-haired girl was cooing to and stroking an unconscious and unmasked Jean, while a green skinned girl nursed a flushed and moaning Dazzler.

“And Domino…” Callisto added as a struggling Domino was laid down on her stomach, still hogtied.

Already collared and in her underwear, she writhed in her bonds and screamed furiously at the Morlocks through her gag. Furiously and in vain; they merely chuckled and ignored her.

“Then there’s you…” Callisto mused, “Hmm… not quite all of you yet. I wonder who’s left…?”

In her panic, Storm couldn’t remember.

Wolverine! There was still Wolverine! And someone else!

Two of them! In times before, the X-Men had been defeated almost a man, but the last few managed to rally and free the others. Several times it had been Wolverine and now it was Wolverine and another!

In her torment, Storm clung to that one hope. Even as inhibitor collars were passed out and Siryn put up a pitiful, hopeless fight, the X-Men could still win.

They WOULD still win! She had to believe that!

She just hoped her remaining teammates would move soon; she didn’t know how long she could remain trapped like this and retain her sanity.


“Baby shark, doot doot doot doot doot…” Kitty idly kicked her legs, “Baby shark, doot doot doot doot…”

Still stuck in the wall, unable to access her powers, the young X-Man sighed and buried her face in her hands.

At first, she’d been panicked. She’d fought to get free as quietly as she could, but as the panic turned to anger and humiliation she’d given up trying to be quiet and simply beat at the wall with her fists and feet. She’d cursed at everything, the wall of the shed, the Morlocks, her powers, the equipment stored in the shed, her own stomach and back for aching, Laura for running away, even the college campus.

She had to get out! Her team was in trouble and she was stuck here like… like a fucking Tom and Jerry cartoon, for crying out loud! This was ridiculous! There was no way this was happening to her, this had to be some kind of sick joke!

Once she’d calmed down, she’d tried to handle it more rationally. Getting angry and yelling was only going to make it more likely some Morlocks would find her. So, she’d focused on her mind, to think of a way out of this. She’d focused, even meditated, looking for ideas she hadn’t considered. She took her mind to a calm place, remembering her powers, trying to feel them working again, make them come to life, allowing her to slip free as easy as walking.

Then when none of that had worked, she’d gone back to being angry again.

She couldn’t remember how many times she’d gone through that cycle, but after several she was becoming resigned. The battle was happening else where and she was stuck here, simple as that. There wasn’t anyway out of this, unless Laura came back or someone else found her.

Her first choice would be for one of her teammates to find her. She’d probably hear about this for years, if she didn’t quit the team in abject shame. Maybe they’d even kick her off the team first, lose any respect for her that she’d managed to build up over the years, even chew her out for being useless.

But honestly, at that moment she would have taken all that. In fact, she wouldn’t have been overly disappointed if some Morlocks found her. Maybe they’d be the only polite Morlocks, kindly help her down as they took her prisoner, had manners enough not to mention her humiliating circumstances to the others as they carried her off to be a sex slave in the sewers.

Hell, they could even write a song about it and tell everyone, as long as they got her out of this goddamned wall!

“Daddy shark, doot doot doot doot doot doot…” Kitty grumbled into her palms, knocking her knee into the wall with increasing violence, “Daddy fucking shark, doot doot ass hole doot doot doot, mother fucking DADDY SHARK doot doot doot DOOT DOOT COCKSUCKING DOOT!”

Before she started the next chorus, she heard something that made her stop. It was a sound that still bothered her from years of being picked on at school, that instinctively made her hackles rise.

She heard mocking the mocking laughter of several young women.

Instinctively, she froze. She doubted that laughter was coming from her teammates. That meant several young Morlock females were nearby, close enough to hear her, if they hadn’t seen her already.

Kitty held her breath and immediately took back her wish that a Morlock would find her. Now that she was faced with the mockery of being found by her enemies stuck in a wall, remaining trapped there for a while didn’t sound so bad. She hoped they would just pass her by and wander far away.

Her hopes were dashed when one of them called out.


There was a pause.

“Is that what I think it is?!”

For a moment, Kitty allowed herself to hope they were looking at something else. Maybe they’d found a signed poster of some boy band or something.

“It’s a butt!”

The girls burst into shrill, almost hysterical giggles and Kitty’s cheeks burned. She screwed her eyes tightly closed and buried her face in her hands.

God, no. Not like this. Let the Toad find her, or the Juggernaut. She’d take Sabertooth on meth over this.

Still laughing, the girls trotted over. She heard them come to a stop on the other side of the wall.

“It’s a little X-Man booty!”

“How EM-barrassing…!” another voice cackled.

“How did she even get in there?!”

“Is she alive?”

There was another pause. Then one of them smacked her on the butt, hard enough for a clap to ring out.

“AAAOW! SONOFA--!” Kitty shrieked before she could stop herself.

If she’d thought their laughter was annoying before, now the sudden, piercing eruption of mirth made her teeth grind together. It was like an audio root canal.

“That… is SO sad!” one of them said as she laughed.

“Oh! My! God! I am SO glad that is not me!”

A hand laid itself on her protruding rump, as if offering condolences.

Kitty bristled and tried to kick at them, but they didn’t stop laughing. She obviously couldn’t see them behind her and through the wall and none of them were in range for her to land anything painful. The one palming her butt was right beside her hips, leaving Kitty unable to reach her except by swinging her leg clumsily to the side.

The girl just continued laughing and gave the spandex-clad bottom a consolatory pat.

“That has got to suck, like, SO bad!”

“Can you imagine?!”

“I almost feel bad for her!”

“Here! Let’s who’s on the other side of this!”

Kitty swallowed an agonized groan and shook her head over and over again, trying to deny this was happening. They wouldn’t even need to fight her to capture her, she’d trussed herself up. A group of kindergartners could capture her, if one of them could shoot a blow dart. So much for going out in a blaze of glory.

The smell of something burning pricked her nose. Turning her head, she saw a smudge of blackness forming on the wall beside her, curling the paint and bearing the wood beneath. It looked like rot, like she was watching mold eat away the wood in fast forward.

After a second, a line of the black mold stretched to the side, like it was being drawn by an invisible marker. The girl on the other side of the wall was using her fingertip to etch through the wood and plaster with her powers, whatever they were. The wood smoldered and began breaking apart, even smoking slightly as the girl drew a broad oval shape, all the way down until it was level with Kitty’s ankles, then back up.

Once the smoldering line connected with the smudge at the top, the girl gave a solid kick from the other side. The wall gave way in the shape of a perfect port hole, allowing a girl with platinum blonde hair and to duck her head and step through.

“Awww, look at the little X-Man!” she cooed as she straightened up, “Stuck. Just like Winnie the Pooh.”

The girl was pretty and actually wore a fairly stylish skirt and top, probably looted from a closet on campus. The only strange thing about her was her palms were green and so were her eyes, an unnatural, jade green that almost looked fake.

Another girl came through next, almost exactly identical to the first. They were clearly identical twins, or something stranger, though this one had blue palms and eyes.

The third, with her hand still resting on Kitty’s bottom, peaked her head through. Likewise identical, but with eyes the color of cotton candy.

“THAT’S what I was thinking of!” pink eyes laughed, “Winnie the Pooh!”

“I’ll say it again!” blue eyes crossed her arms, “How EM-BARRASSING!”

While the girls shared another titter, Kitty crossed her arms and scowled at the floor, gnawing on her bottom lip. It was hard to come up with a retort in her current position; she’d been thinking the same things herself over and over again. Plus, she knew she was blushing all the way to her ears and didn’t trust herself to say anything without her voice cracking.

“Look at her cute little blush, though!” pink eyes cooed, “Betcha she’ll blush even more if I do this…”

Fingers danced along the groove between Kitty’s cheeks, tickling and teasing.

“Nyeek!” Kitty’s head popped up, eyes wide with shock, then fury, “Keep your f-fucking hands off me!”

The girls laughed in response, green eyes and blue eyes looking at each other.

“She speaks!” green eyes giggled, “And she squeals!”

“And she blushes!” blue eyes turned back to Kitty, “How long have you been stuck there?! This whole time?!”

“How did you even do that?!” pink eyes laughed.

Kitty scowled at them, biting her bottom lip again.

“I wished upon a star,” she groused, narrowing her eyes, “And what are you three supposed to be, anyway? Do you combine to become the biggest bitch on the planet?”

The triplets scoffed and shared an open-mouthed look, both offended and shocked. They clearly didn’t like being teased in return. How dare she speak to them like that?!

“Rude.” green eyes wrinkled her nose.

“You should probably watch your mouth, Pooh Bear,” blue eyes smirked, “We might decide to play a game of pin the tail on the X-Man.”

“We should!” pink eyes giggled, patting Kitty’s rump again, “Or maybe darts? Ooh, how long would it take to make water balloons?! She looks like she’s part of a carnival game thingy!”

Kitty flinched and wiggled to try to escape the girl’s hand. She kicked and squirmed, but it did nothing.

“If you guys want to play, let me down from here,” she glared, “I’ll show you a game.”

The triplets just laughed.

That artificial, mocking sound was really starting to piss Kitty off.

“Yeah right!” blue eyes jeered, “We’ll just let you down from there so you can run away! Hold on while I mark that on my to-don’t list!”

The other two dutifully cackled at this clever retort.

Kitty glared but allowed her lips to turn up into a sneer of her own. These three definitely weren’t rocket scientists and neither were they very emotionally mature. They saw a petite, if athletic little brunette and figured she’d be easy prey, trapped in the wall or not. They didn’t have the first clue about how she’d been trained or what she could do to them if they let her down.

So, maybe if she could push the right buttons…

Crossing her arms under her breasts, she raised up as high as she could from her spot in the wall. It made her stomach and back ache, but she wanted all the smugness she could muster.

“Wow, you guys are really that scared of me, huh?” she let her head tilt to one side, pitying, “I mean, there’s three of you and my powers aren’t working, but I guess you need me stuck in a wall to act like you’re tough.”

Blue and green eyes pursed their lips, looking at each other.

Thinking she might have gotten their attention, Kitty pressed on, trying to jiggle the bait.

“I’m stuck in a wall, but you guys are scared of me WHILE I’m stuck in a wall,” she sighed, “Sad. That’s really, truthfully sad.”

Pink eyes leaned in through the hole in the wall to share a look with the other two. They were frowning thoughtfully, considering Kitty’s point.

“Aren’t you Morlocks supposed to be warriors or something?” Kitty arched an eyebrow, “I don’t know, I THOUGHT that’s what you guys were going for. Honestly, I’d rather be where I am than where you are,” she narrowed her eyes, preparing to land the kill shot, “I’ll get down from this wall at some point, but you three will always be pathetic.”

The girls gave her a flat look, then looked back to each other again, as if coming to a silent consensus. Green eyes crossed her arms and cocked her hip while pink slowly shook her head, in wonder.

It was blue eyes that spoke for the three of them. She lifted her eyes towards the ceiling and set a fingertip to her lips, in deep contemplation.

“Hmmmmmmmmm…” she tapped her lip, “Let… me… think…”

Kitty glared at her.

“Hmmmm. NOPE!” the Morlock chirped.

Laughter erupted once more from the other two as blue eyes gave her a lazy smirk. She put her hands on her hips and bent at the waist, leaning down so she was level with Kitty’s face.

Kitty’s flush deepened and she balled up her fists.

“Nice try,” blue eyes stuck out her chin, “But nope. You’re going to be staying right there for now. I think it suits you.”

“It does!” pink eyes chimed in, “You’re like a little wall decoration!”

Blue eyes leaned just a bit closer, daring Kitty to lunge at her.

“Such a pout!” she teased, “Are you mad, sweetie? We always play with the cute new girls, when they’re all scared and vulnerable. And we don’t see anyone cuter or more vulnerable around here than little… helpless… you.”

She finished her statement by tapping a finger on the tip of Kitty’s nose.

Kitty lunged at her, trying to snatch her by the hair, but the girl was surprisingly quick. She dodged back with a laugh.

“Eat shit and die, you heinous twat!” Kitty snarled.

The triplets cackled again, endlessly amused by the X-Man losing her temper.

Chest heaving with anger and shame, Kitty chewed on her bottom lip and found herself fighting the urge to cry. She hadn’t felt this helpless and cornered in a long time, but it was almost exactly the same as it had been. Surrounded by mean girls who picked on her, played pranks on her, teased her relentlessly…

She was not some scared little high schooler anymore, damnit! They shouldn’t be allowed to make her feel this way!

Pink eyes gave her rump a little pinch and she started.

With a shriek of fury, Kitty kicked at the other girl. It wasn’t entirely ineffective and it just made pink eyes giggle and tickle along her butt crack again, but she was too furious to stop.

The other two ignored her struggles.

“What should we do with her?” green eyes piped up.

“Hmm…” blue eyes regarded Kitty thoughtfully for a moment, “Well, I think first we should take some of the feistiness out of her. I don’t want her trying to bite us or spit at us or something. What do you think?”

“I think she could use a little chill pilling,” green eyes immediately agreed, “Especially with that potty mouth!”

Pink eyes was busy tracing a finger along the curves of Kitty’s bottom, giggling as the X-Man kicked and pedaled her feet. She gave the little butt another pinch and grinned at the yowl of frustration before answering.

“Mmmmm okay,” the girl agreed, “But don’t take TOO much! I still want her awake so we can have some fun with her!”

“Of course!” blue eyes sneered at Kitty, “We want her to know what’s happening! Then we’ll see who’s pathetic…”

She rubbed her icy palm together, narrowing her eyes.

“Hold her arms.”

Snarling, red faced and breathing sharply through her teeth, Kitty looked like a cornered wildcat as the girls surrounded her. They reached for her arms and she lashed out at them, trying to knock them away or at the very least make herself harder to secure.

“Back off!” she shrieked, “I swear to god, I’ll kick the shit out of all three of you! Get your fucking—get away!”

She thrashed and twisted, kicking her legs and even trying to scratch if she could. She tried to hit them, but with them coming in from the side of her, and with no leverage or ability to put her body into her blows, they were little more than slaps.

The girls giggled, more amused by her attempts than anything. They patiently pawed, waiting until Kitty’s thrashing bumped into their hands, then grasped her and held tight. Slowly, not needing to use much effort, they pinned the helpless girl’s arms to the wall.

“Let GO!” Kitty screamed in frustration, “You chicken shit skanks! Get off me!”

Blue eyes continued rubbing her palms together and as Kitty watched, a faint glow radiated from them. The Morlock grinned nastily and swaggered closer, no longer needing to worry about the X-Man trying to hit her.

An all too familiar churning, fearful panic began to dance in Kitty’s stomach. It was exactly like all those years ago. She’d become stronger, more confident, more capable, even powerful and respected, but now she was right back where she was.

Her eyes began to widen, her bottom lip threatening to tremble.

“BACK O-OFF!” she screamed.

Her voice broke.

“Awww, a little scared?” Blue eyes’ grin broadened, “Don’t worry, hon. We’re going to take good care of you…”

She reached for Kitty’s face.

Kitty jerked her head away, then the opposite way when the hands followed her. She bobbed and weaved as far away as she could, gasping and making small, panicked sounds.

“Awwww…” green eyes joined in, “Poor little baby…”

“Her a scaredy little X-Bunny…” pink eyes giggled, “Don’t worry, sweetie, we just want to play with you…”

Inevitably, blue eyes managed to place one hand on Kitty’s cheek, then caught the other as well, holding her in place. The X-Man grunted and kicked, but couldn’t squirm away, held tight.

Holding her captive’s face in her palms, blue eyes turned it towards herm so she could look into Kitty’s frantic brown eyes.

“Here we go,” she purred, “Let’s just drain those batteries a little bit…”

The palms on the young heroine’s cheeks glowed brighter and as they did, a coldness seeped into her skin.

Not knowing for sure what was happening, Kitty kicked and fought more violently than ever. It did no good, but there was nothing else she could do.

She was not in high school anymore! They couldn’t just hold her down and… and…

The cold crept deeper, sinking into her bones. That’s all what it seemed to be at first, just a chill, but quickly it got harder to struggle. Her legs and arms grew heavy, slowing her kicks, making her thrashing less coordinated.

“Get… get away…” she gasped.

The girls just giggled as the cold filled her up, weighing her down, making her droop. Her breathing grew labored, rasping heavily, her body becoming soft and easier to hold. It was becoming an effort to merely lift her legs and she began to just kick with her feet. But even that was slowing down.

“She’s getting all floppy,” pink eyes giggled, “I love that…”

To demonstrate, she waggled Kitty’s arm around by her wrist.

Kitty tried to pull away now that she had a little bit more leverage, but she barely managed to move. It felt like she’d been worked to trembling, muscle failing exhaustion, so weak she couldn’t see straight.

This wasn’t a natural weariness. The life was leaking out of her; she could feel it slipping away, leaving her to wilt like a balloon with the air let out.

“She won’t be so mouthy anymore,” blue eyes giggled, “There we go, sweetie… just relax…”

Kitty tried to snap something back, but the words slipped away from her. It was so hard to think.

“Unh… ooh…” she managed to moan, her eyelids drooping.

It was only after a few seconds that she realized she’d stopped kicking. Everything was so heavy it felt like there were literally weights on her wrists and ankles, or they were chained to the ground. Her head was being supported entirely by the blue-eyed clone in front of her, the awkward angle adding a strain to her neck, but she was too tired to care.

She couldn’t do anything. She was too weak. There wasn’t any point in fighting. These girls were going to have their fun and she would be just as helpless as she’d always been.

With a faint whimper of despair, Kitty let her eyes close.

Once they saw she was no longer fighting, the girls let go of her arms. They flopped down, hanging from her shoulders, swinging gently.

“Hey, don’t take too much!” pink eyes protested, “She’s gonna go to sleep!”

“I can take just a little more,” came the response, “She’s got plenty left.”

After another second or two, the chill began to fade, though not the weakness. Every inch of her was loaded with lead, her mind directionless and slothful. It felt like everything was moving through muck, even her breathing and the beating of her heart. An attempt to curl her fingers left them trembling and aching.

Almost empty, Kitty let out a faint, inaudible whimper, without even the energy to sob.

When she opened her eyes again, all three triplets were leaning close, almost cheek to cheek and right in front of her face. Three identical, teasing grins beamed at her, eager to look at their latest catch.

“Lookit her all sleepyheaded!”

“So cute! She’s all tuckered out, but she’s still blushing a little!”

“I think I might have drained her a little too much, but it’s okay. A little kiss should make her all better!”

The three of them giggled.

“One!” they chanted, “Two! Three!”

On three, they leaned in and kissed her in unison, one on either cheek, and the other on the tip of her nose.


In perfect synchronization, they drew back with the same tinkling laugh and blue eyes let go of Kitty’s face.

The emptied X-Man slumped, either side of her hanging from her waist, like a wet towel.

“What should we do with her?”

“Let’s take her costume off! In fact, let’s take everything off! She can be naked as a jay bird when we bring her to Callisto!”

“Yeah, that’ll teach her to be such a nasty brat! Maybe if she begs, we’ll give her a garbage bag to wear!”

“Aww, poor thing! It’s okay, sweetie, I’ll be the nice one! I’ll make sure none of the boys look at your little kitty, Kitty!”

With her head hanging, Kitty couldn’t see which had said that, but they stroked their fingers through her hair, then leaned down to give her a kiss on the top of the head.

Of course, that didn’t stop her from going back outside to start wiggling one of Kitty’s boots off.

“That’s better!” she cheered, tossing the boot aside, “No kicking, no screaming, no cursing! Much nicer!”

To encourage this behavior, she gave the protruding heart shape in the yellow and blue spandex an affectionate pat.

Kitty’s rump jiggled, but her legs remained dangling.

“She has nice legs!” work started on the other boot, “And her little booty is just adorable! She must really work hard in the gym!”

“She definitely has potential.” One of them said as they worked the glove off her limp hand, “Kinda short. But my god, does she need a makeover! I mean, look at her hair!”

She snatched up Kitty’s ponytail and waggled it around.

“Let’s GIVE her a makeover!” the other giggled as she zipped down the front of the helpless girl’s costume, “I have all that make up we got from that sorority house!”

“YES!” the other two agreed, “MAKEOVER!”

Kitty whimpered faintly, too tired to protest, but not to inwardly cringe with humiliation. What could possibly be worse than this?!

A moment later, she received her answer.

“Okay, girls!” one of them said as they unbuckled her belt, “Do we have any guesses on the color of her panties?”

“Hmm…” another one was working her arm out of the sleeve, “I’m going with sky blue. Extra points if they have glitter!”

While that one continued stripping off her top, the other one on that side of the wall knelt down and popped open a stick of bright red lip stick. She rubbed a bit of it on her wrist to check the color, then cupped Kitty’s chin.

“I’m going with pink!” she declared, “With a cute little animal on them somewhere!”

She tilted Kitty’s face up, leaning close with a wicked grin. Bringing the lipstick to the heroine’s brow, she began writing something.

“Unhhh…” Kitty whined, her eyes lidded and heavy.

“Oh, you are going to look so PRETTY!” the girl giggled, “Nobody is going to be able to take their eyes off you!”

The girl on the other side of the wall slipped the red, X buckled belt from Kitty’s waist, then began wiggling down the tights.

“I’m going with yellow!” she chirped, “But let’s have a little peak…”

Kitty clenched her eyes closed, trying to block out the girls’ voices, the feeling of helplessness, of being undressed and toyed with like a doll.

It didn’t work. She felt tears of shame coming to her eyes.

The spandex wiggled over her bottom, exposing her simple athletic briefs.

“Oh, boo!” the girl shouted, “They’re GRAY!”

“Yuck!” another one said as they tossed aside her costume top, “So’s her bra!”

The one at her legs yanked the tights down with several rough jerks, as if she was frustrated.

“This is a disaster!” she jerked the leggings off her ankles, “You really DO need a makeover!”

She gave Kitty’s bottom a loud smack.

Then, with no further preamble, she jerked the gray underwear down. Kitty’s pale bottom gleamed in the sunshine, making the sliver of shadow between the cheeks stand out in contrast.

Tears began rolling down Kitty’s cheeks. She didn’t have the energy to sob, she only sniffled and whimpered, the sound pathetic to her own ears.

After all this time, it was exactly the same. She couldn’t defend herself, not against their words or the things they did to her. In her exhaustion and humiliation, the thought that she’d always been that pathetic, timid little girl began to sound more and more true.

She wasn’t an X-Man. She’d never be an X-Man.

“S… stop…” she whispered, “Pl… please…”

The one with the lipstick was in the process of painting a hefty quantity on her own lips when she heard the pitiful plea.

“Awwww…” she cooed, “I think she’s crying…”

“Poor little baby!” another chimed in as she unhooked her bra, “Does she need her ba ba?”

“I’d be embarrassed too, if I were her.”

The one with the lipstick cupped her cheeks in both hands and leaned close.

“What did you say, sweetie?” she crooned, “Did you say please?”

Kitty looked at her with sad, shining eyes, then looked away.

The girl stared at her for another moment with a knowing smile.

“It won’t be that bad,” she whispered back, “Think about all the attention you’ll get! When everybody sees you, they’re going to think you’re so… naked.”

She giggled and smooshed her lips to Kitty’s cheek. She held them there for a second, pressing hard, then drew back, grinning at her work.

By the wetness on her cheek, Kitty knew there would be a big, red lipstick mark there.

The girl bit her lip, clearly loving the brand-like mark she’d left on her new captive, then leaned back in to repeat the procedure on her neck.

From behind her, then came a loud smack.

The third girl had rolled up Kitty’s belt and slapped it across her own palm.

“Time to teach you a little lesson, honey,” she tittered, “Besides, this little tail of yours is so pasty pale! It could use some color!”

Kitty managed a weak sob as the girl with the lip stick pressed another kiss to her breast.

“L… leave me alone…!” she whimpered.


“IP!” Kitty bit her lip at the stinging pain.


“Ah!” she yelped again, unable to even kick her feet in protest.

Several more blows landed, one after the other, while the second girl continued to draw on her and give her little kiss marks. The third just watched it all with a sneer.

“Hm, you know, I wasn’t counting!” the girl with the belt paused, “How many should I give her?”

The third girl took Kitty by the ponytail and yanked her head up. Eyes lidded, she grinned nastily into the helpless girl’s miserable, tear-streaked face.

“Until she’s learned her lesson,” she sneered, “And then a few more… for good luck!”

Another smack landed and Kitty yelped again, staring pleadingly into the girl’s eyes.

She’d already learned her lesson. She really had. She just wanted them to stop.

But they didn’t. Not for what seemed like forever.


Siryn wrestled with Toad as best as she could, but it was a losing proposition from the start. She managed to get to her feet, but with the superhuman strength in his arms, he was easily able to squeeze both her wrists together in one slimy hand, holding them still.

With his other hand, he simply stroked at her face and hair, playing her.

“So pretty and so feisty,” his over-sized mouth stretched in a ghastly grin, “Oh, yes. You’ll have to be nice to me now, my little shamrock. You’ll have to give me the respect I deserve. You’ll be pretty for me now…”

He brushed some of her wild locks from her forehead and she jerked away. Flushed, her one exposed eye glared at him fearlessly, indignant and furious. Despite growing increasingly lightheaded and being overpowered, her temper was undimmed.

This little troll wouldn’t dare talk to her like this if she still had her scream. He’d always been a cowardly little worm and she was NOT just some flower to be plucked.

Around them, her teammates were being dumped on the ground and fitted with inhibitor collars. Other Morlocks were just watching her struggle with Toad and chuckling like it was good fun, the bastards.

She wasn’t going to stand for any of this. She was going to put this tiny, pathetic little pervert in his place and then put them ALL in their place right after that! With her bare hands, if she had to!

As Toad curled a lock of her hair around his finger, she swung her leg up to kick him in the groin.

Unfortunately, she was nowhere near fast enough. He saw it coming and turned his knee inwards so her shin collided with that and not his crotch.

She grimaced in pain and limped back a pace.

“Oopsies,” he giggled, “No more of that, now! You shouldn’t fight so hard when the great Toad is being so gentle!”

Siryn tried to jerk away from again, but as she did the world spun. Her lungs were burning, her body beginning to grow weak from lack of oxygen. She tottered, her eye blinking wide, legs cramping.

She wasn’t allowing herself to be afraid, but worry was beginning to nag at her. If she didn’t manage to take a breath soon, she’d probably pass out and either die or be entirely helpless. Either was unacceptable, but she wasn’t seeing an immediate way to free herself and as the seconds ticked by, she was only getting weaker.

Her leg buckled for a moment. She blinked again and shook her head, but darkness was starting to close in on her vision. She was beginning to swoon.

Once her glare began to fade, becoming glassy and unfocussed, Toad looped his arm around her waist and drew her to him.

She bumped into him, and her head slumped back for a moment, before she managed to drunkenly lift it again. Her eyelid was drooping, vision filled with darkness and sparkles. She could barely see.

He let go of her wrists. They fell to her sides, swinging and loose.

“Feeling a little faint, are ya, lass?” Toad said in a dreadful mockery of an Irish accent, “Never fear! The magnificent Toad is here to save you from your vapors!”

He opened his mouth and his powerful, prehensile tongue stretched out.

Seeing the wet member slithering towards her, Siryn flinched away but couldn’t go far and the effort made her eyes briefly roll back into her head. She was so starved for oxygen she could barely think. She was even starting to forget where she was.

The tongue approached beneath her chin, wrapped partway around her slender throat, then slowly wiped upwards in a long, slathering lick. It dragged up over her mouth and nose, to her cheek, then even up to her brow.

“Mmmmm…” he paused, “So sweet…”

Then the tongue snuck back down and slid all the way up again, nudging her head back as it lapped up over her skin and the gunk covering her face.

Toad’s powers included super strength in his arms and legs, which allowed him to leap like his namesake and deliver powerful kicks, along with a superstrong, prehensile tongue that could crack like a whip. Lesser known was that he also had the power of chemical secretion. From touching his skin (or being touched), people had known to suffer poisons, sedatives, hallucinogens, and even the gunk he could projectile spit was an extension of that ability. The limits of that power as unknown and as simple-minded as he might seem, Toad could be extremely creative and clever if there was something he wanted.

At that moment, that ability was being displayed again as the slimy mutant secreted a chemical from his tongue that dissolved the gunk smothering Siryn’s breath. Each lick smoothed more of it away, thinning and softening it. Soon her pink lips were once again free, her face clear, the only sign that it had been there was a slick shine on her skin, still wet.

Toad’s tongue snapped back into his mouth.

“That’s better,” he grinned, “You shouldn’t go to sleep without giving your handsome prince a kiss…”

Siryn coughed violently, her body bucking in his arms from the convulsions. She sucked in a deep, rasping breath before coughing again, eyelashes fluttering as life returned to her.

She shook her head, strength slowly hardening her body. Her thoughts were coming back, her vision clearing, the sparkles and static fading away.

As her head cleared, she blinked at Toad, chest heaving against him. His grinning face was less than a foot away, tongue running over his lips.

She could breathe again.

Once this thought crystalized, her eyes hardened. This was her chance.

She drew in a sharp breath, then opened her mouth wide to scream point blank into his lewd sneer.

The instant she opened her mouth, Toad’s tongue shot out. It went right into her mouth and down her throat in a split second, then latched on tight.

Siryn’s scream ended before it began, in a startled gag.

Around them, the Morlocks frowned, watching with interest.

Siryn’s eyes bugged out, her mouth agape in spine stiffening shock. She gagged, her pink tongue sticking out as her throat tried to dislodge the tentacle-like extremity invading it. She bucked, her throat clenching convulsively, making her eyes water.

Toad’s tongue stayed right where it was. It was holding onto something, carefully squeezing.

She tried to scream again but only silently gagged again. She couldn’t make a sound.

When she realized what he’d done, Siryn’s eyes widened with horror, her eyebrows climbing towards her hair line.

He’d been waiting for her to scream. When she did, he’d shot his tongue straight down her throat, to her vocal chords and held them tight. She couldn’t even squeak.

Once the surrounding Morlocks figured it out, they erupted with laughter, both at the tactic and Siryn’s baffled expression. A few of them even applauded, impressed by their new comrade’s creativity.

His tongue still deep down her throat, Toad gave her a wide, open-mouthed grin. Then the tongue began to retract, reeling her in.

Still gagging, eyes wide with shock, Siryn pushed at his shoulders, trying to force herself back, but couldn’t resist being slowly drawn towards his open mouth. A sharp jerk of her head caused her eyes to clench shut in agony and she beat at his chest with her fists. His tongue had too tight a grip and even if she managed to jerk away, all she’d do would be to rip her own vocal cords. If she fought too hard, she could make herself permanently mute.

As she drew closer, she tried to hit him in the face, but she was too close to do much more than give him pitiful slaps. All they did was make him chuckle as her button nose pressed right to his more pointed one. She hit him with her palms, pushed at his face, but he just winked at her and ignored it. He’d had much worse.

Once she was close enough to smell his breath, Siryn’s struggles became frantic. She slapped at him in a frenzy, trying to poke his eyes, pull his hair, find something she could twist or hit to make him let go.

But he didn’t he pulled her right in until their mouths became one, forming a seal. He captured her smaller mouth with his own, tangled the fingers of his free hand in her hair and held her, controlling her completely. Then, with that, he began kissing her.

Siryn knew immediately there was something on his lips, something being absorbed into her skin. Her lips began tingling and it quickly spread through her face, and down her neck, making her hair stand on end. She writhed and twisted in his arms, trying to bite him and scream, but his tongue felt like it was made of leather. She might as well have been trying to bite through tire treads.

The Morlocks cheered and whistled as Toad held her and kissed her slowly, enjoying himself in spite of her struggles. Even as she slapped and pawed, he moved patiently, pressing her slender body against him, letting his hand slip lower, over the curve of her spine.

The tingling from his lips left numbness at first, but then it became a warmth. It seeped down her neck, to her breast, filling her with a comfy glow that was not at all unpleasant. In fact, it felt wonderful. It brought a flush to her cheeks, softened the ache in her muscles, made her aware of how smooth her costume was against her skin.

Her struggles slowed, becoming distracted. She continued to push and beat at him, but she was losing her intensity. It was hard to feel too angry about anything when she was feeling so incredibly good.

As he released her hair and let his hand smooth up her side, her eyelids drooped. It felt like she was melting, the warmth sinking into her bones, his touch sending pleasant thrills that wilted away her strength. Any pains faded, her gagging ceased, even the discomfort of having something so deep down her throat forgotten. It was all throbbing, delicious pleasure, that made her thoughts fade away.

Her hands thumped a few more pitiful times against his shoulders, token resistance, then they simply plopped down and rested there. After another moment, they slipped down, sliding down his chest, then fell, hanging loose from her shoulders.

His tongue was no longer holding her vocal cords. It didn’t need to.

“Mmmm…” she sighed as he kissed her, letting herself go limp in his arms.

Once she’d stopped fighting altogether, Toad drew back, breaking the kiss with a wet smack.

Siryn managed to hold her head up, but it was loose on her neck, weaving one direction, then the other as the world twirled lazily around her head. Her dilated eyes peaked through slit eyelids, her mouth left ajar and lips moving, like she was trying to kiss a mouth that was no longer there. She was on autopilot, her mind lost in a haze of feeling, not really even seeing the wicked mutant in front of her.

Toad snickered, his hand moving up to cup around one of her healthy breasts.

The touch made her mouth open a bit more and she let out a faint moan of yearning.

Siryn’s fiery temper had finally been snuffed out.

“See?” Toad he gave the breast a squeeze, “You’ll learn…”

With that he leaned in and captured her mouth in another kiss.

Siryn closed her eyes and relished it, letting herself sink into the throbbing sensations, like easing into a warm bath.


On the rooftop above, Rogue went rigid and shook as electricity rushed through her and slumped when it faded away. She went stiff, tried to cry out, then relaxed. Clenched in agony, then slumped again.

It happened over and over again. Eel-ectric’s hands on her chest, the Morlock would send voltage into her, let her shiver and shake for a moment, then cut it off, letting her rest before doing it again. Rogue didn’t know why she was doing it and she was beyond caring at this point. Her body and mind were so overwrought that both were practically mush.

Another jolt made Rogue’s body arch from the ground, thrusting her breasts and the X logo on her suit towards the sky. It stopped and she flopped back down with a gasp. Panting, eyelids drooped, she stared glassily at the neon blue girl looming over her, hoping it would all stop.

Eel-ectric sighed.

“You’re just too tough, lil miss,” the Morlock smiled apologetically, “I’m trying to give you enough juice to knock you out, but you’re too strong. And I can’t leave you alone for too long or you might try to grab me.”

Rogue moaned, closing her eyes. Her own strength and invulnerability were what was keeping this torture going. The irony made her want to cry.

Another shock made her buck, arcs of electricity dancing along the curves of her body. She wailed faintly, her fingers digging into her palms and toes curling.

It stopped again and she wheezed, breasts heaving.

Eel-ectric smoothed her hand between the heaving bulbs and held it there, feeling.

“Your heart’s pounding like a jackhammer,” she said, “If I give you too much, I’m afraid I might give you a heart attack! I don’t want to kill you, sweetie…”

Rogue coughed then whimpered faintly.

Eel-ectric sighed again and tilted her head, before pursing her lips in thought. She didn’t look like she was enjoying torturing Rogue, in fact there was sympathy in her eyes. She looked the pitiful superheroine over, considering.

“Okay…” she finally said, “Let’s try this. Stay still.”

Rising off Rogue’s stomach, coming to her knees, the Morlock reached down to scoop under the X-Man’s arms. She drew the heroine’s shoulders off the ground, sitting her up, and as she did so she shuffled back on her knees. She stopped when she was kneeling between Rogue’s thighs, wrapping her arms around the heroine’s back to hug her.

“That’s it…” the Morlock whispered, “Come up here with me. Nice and easy…”

Rogue was exhausted, but she knew she could have fought. She could have at least wiggled or protested, if not tried to push the girl away, but she stayed still. As Eel-ectric drew her forward, hugging her and settling her on her knees, she merely let her cheek rest on the girl’s shoulder, her arms dangling. She didn’t have any fight left. She was ready for this to be over.

Once they were both pressed tightly together, one kneeling in front of the other, Eel-ectric let out a small, happy sound.

“Mmmm, there we go,” she whispered against Rogue’s neck, “Good girl. You’re being so cooperative…”

She gave the compliant X-Man an affectionate squeeze.

“Don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone.” she whispered, “I bet you’re so tired… it’s okay to give up when you have no chance of winning. Especially when fighting will just make me have to hurt you more…”

Rogue just breathed into the girl’s shoulder and let herself be held. Even as the other woman’s hand slipped down, fingers smoothing over the glossy curve of her butt, she didn’t flinch. The hand that gently rubbed its way around, pressing and massaging from one globe to the other, was a relief to her aching muscles.

She let the Morlock have it. She just wanted to rest.

Eel-ectric cupped one side of the chiseled shapes and squeezed, capturing the malleable form in her palm.

“You’re being so cooperative, I almost don’t want to put you out!” the Morlock cooed, “But I can’t take the risk of you flying around and punching anybody. You’re too dangerous, hon.”

Her other hand came up to curl in Rogue’s hair, gently drawing her head back so she could look into the X-Man’s drowsy eyes.

“I’ll make this nice and quick, though,” she smiled, “There will be a jolt and then you’ll just fall to sleep. I don’t even think it will hurt…”

As Eel-ectric looked at her, Rogue’s eyes were glassy but not vacant. She was looking back, tired, but accepting. She made no move or protest, she simply waited to be finished off.

It was time.

“Here we go…” the neon girl chirped, then leaned in to press her lips to Rogue’s.

The current that passed between their mouths made Rogue arch for a moment, pressing her breasts into her captor’s. Her back curved, tightening her muscles and making her butt harden in Eel-ectric’s palm, even as it thrust back.

But it didn’t last for long. Without Rogue’s impervious skin insulating her, the current reached her brain stem and overloaded her senses in an instant. A crack of electricity, a second of convulsing tension, then Rogue wilted again with a sigh.

Eel-ectric kept up the kiss for a few seconds longer than she had the electricity. The X-Man’s lips were so soft and so few had kissed them. There was no need to rush, there would be plenty of time for more later, but she took the time to enjoy it.

Finished, she let Rogue’s head lay against her shoulder again, supporting her limp body. The X-Man’s weight wanted to sink down, but she kept her grip on her rounded bottom, letting her hand be almost like a seat.

Immensely pleased, Eel-ectric nuzzled the top of Rogue’s head, grateful for her opponent’s cooperation.

“Thanks, sugah…” she whispered, mimicking a southern accent.

A bit of steam rose from Rogue’s open mouth, but she didn’t reply.

She was out like a light.



The Kitty segment is probably some omy favorite scene out of this whole serie. Kitty has a very well fleshed out personnality, plenty of very funny dialogues and lines and the overall peril had something very thrilling. Her feeling but never seeing the people behind her The Triplets are creative and my god was the capture fucking awesome. Really dig this kind of character interatios, Kitty is on a whole new level of quality for me!


What do you think about making an eternals story especially someone giving a spanking to sprite since she was such a brat in the whole movie