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Hi All,

I'm thinking of taking away the Extra Supporter Tier and going with a straight $5 Support Tier.  I've just been really busy with a lot of things and don't want to take advantage of your generosity.  You all have been awesome!  I'll share a secret - I get more complaints from the other tier than I do from you all - which is 0.  So thanks for that.

Before I take away the Tier I'd like to get your thoughts on the two ideas I had.

1 - Take away the Extra Supporter Tier and go with a straight $5 Support Tier. To make up for this change, I'd use the poll requests as my pipeline going forward.   So, if you want to continue to support me that's awesome, if not, no hard feelings.  If you want to come back when I get to your model, you can do that too  :)

With this option there are no more polls or requests, so once I've gone through the "pipeline" I would decide on the models going forward.

2 - I keep the Extra Supporter Tier and make it an "Early Access" to content.  Everything stays the same, polls and extras if any, and you also get the model(s) 30 days before the lower Tier. 

The change would be there is no guarantee for 'extras' and there would be 2 models guaranteed a month. The winner of the general poll, and the model that has been a poll option the longest :)

Those are my two ideas.  Let me know what you think.

This month expect to see Arthur Morgan, Polina Petrova's Hair :) , and Josephine from Dragon Age. 

I look forward to hearing your thoughts.  Thanks for your understanding and support!


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